The damaged Hydra frigate is replaced by the Spetsai frigate
(B2) The Greek Frigate Hydra which was to join the European operation to monitor the arms embargo off Libya (EUNAVFOR Med Irini) at the end of May* will not do so. She suffered technical damage according to the information given to the greek press**

This is the frigate Spetses (F-453) which will replace Hydra. A similar ship, of the Meko 200 class, from German shipyards.
Le Spetses has the advantage of knowing the French crews well for having accompanied the aircraft carrier Charles-de-Gaulle during its passage in the eastern Mediterranean at the end of January (read: A carrier group around the Charles-de-Gaulle deploys, with Europeans, episodic). But his exact arrival in the operation is not yet known.
To date, according to information drawn from reliable sources by B2, the European operation has only one operational ship, the French frigate Jean Bart, and three planes (one Luxembourger, one Polish and one German).
*Read : The Greek frigate will join Operation Irini at the end of May
** The information given by some Turkish newspapers that it was hit by fire from Haftar's camp is false information, quite typical of this conflict