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Political and defence Europe (by Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)

News BlogNATO

Donald Trump's ears whistled at Buckingham Palace

(B2) Broadcast by the Canadian channel CBC, the video lasts only 25 seconds. But it was enough to make waves and spoil the end of the NATO summit meeting in London

The President of the United States canceled his final press conference after the meeting on Wednesday (December 4) “ because we have done so much in the last two days ". The program was indeed busy, between disputes over Allied spending and Turkey's latest ravages at the gates of Europe (read: A NATO summit meeting (December 3 and 4, 2019) filled with estrangements and bitterness).

The reason given by Donald Trump certainly makes sense. But some lean more towards another: the president felt offended by the comments made public by four heads of state and government on Tuesday evening during the reception organized for the occasion at Buckingham Palace.

Alongside Princess Anne, Mark Rutte (Dutch Prime Minister), Justin Trudeau (Canadian Prime Minister), Emmanuel Macron (French President) and Boris Johnson (English Prime Minister), are apparently caught in the act mockery of Donald Trump.

The four leaders do not mention him by name, but seem to talk about him and his very long press conference. The Guardian has video full, recorded by the television host present that evening.

We hear the Briton Boris Johnson asking the Frenchman Emmanuel Macron “ Is that why you/he/she was late? “, and the Canadian Justin Trudeau answer for him, in a tone of fun “ he was late because he had a 40 minute press conference »The American president is indeed known in the community for holding lengthy press conferences.

Justin Trudeau continues: " Yes Yes Yes ! He announced … ". We see the French president speaking, but we cannot distinguish his words. A chance for him. Then the Canadian adds “ his team was speechless! ". Princess Anne also comments: “ he has a rather dry voice ". Listen, watch

Donald Trump would later have called Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “ of a two-faced man ". He then decided to cancel his conference to mark the occasion, according to some observers.

(Aurelie Pugnet)

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