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Erik Høeg's message to Georgians and Ossetians: use the red line more

(B2) The closure of controlled crossing points was at the heart of the discussions of the incident response and prevention mechanism (IPRM – Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism), meeting on March 22, 2019 in Ergneti, near South Ossetia

(credit: EUMM Georgia)

For the head of the EU observation mission (EUMM Georgia), Erik Høeg, the various actors should make more use of the hotline to " preventing incidents and exchanging information in an optimal way ". He thus wishes as far as possible, limit the harmful effects of the closure of controlled crossing points " on the " administrative boundary (= border). We must take care to " the impact on freedom of movement he insists. This concerns both the free movement of foodstuffs and access to schools or health centres. Next meeting is scheduled: May 16, 2019.


Read also: Patrol with EUMM on the “border” between Georgia and South Ossetia
