Europeans 2019: the 'little ones' regain ground
(B2) A little more green and red, a little less preservative. This is the summary result of the second projection in seats of the European Parliament for the next European elections
Few changes in fact in trends, compared to the first projection which was published a fortnight ago. (read European elections 2019: the EPP-S&D axis loses its absolute majority).
Few changes in large groups
The three big political groups in the European Parliament, namely the Christian Democrats (PPE), the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) and the Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) do not move in the voting intentions in the future European elections according to the second projection in seats of the European Parliament, unveiled on Friday (1 March). Ditto for the extreme right (ENF) which maintains 59 seats.
'Small' groups gain some weight
On the left, the Communists (GUE) won one seat, the Greens won four more, while the proponents of direct democracy (EFDD) also gained four seats. On the losing side, the Conservatives (ECR) lost five seats; non-attached members also give up two seats.
Attention ! These projections are to be taken with tweezers. On the one hand, they are based on lthe voting intentions compiled in the different member states. Then, many elected officials appear in the unclassifiable. The 'Other' category thus takes on more and more weight, counting 66 seats, not allocated.
(Emmanuelle Stoesser)
Learn more
le website of the European Parliament on the elections
Download the investigation report (pdf) and the projections (Excel file)