News BlogMediterranean sea

The Aquarius is definitely dropping anchor, not SOS Méditerranée

(B2) SOS Méditerranée and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) announce, this Thursday evening (December 6), in a communicated, put an end to rescues at sea aboard the Aquarius.

SOS Méditerranée does not, however, give up chartering new ships in the future, giving an appointment " start 2019 ».

A new boat, a new flag

SOS Mediterranean “ is already actively exploring the options for a new ship and a new flag, and is seriously considering all proposals from shipowners that would allow her to continue her rescue mission “says the association. The NGO is in contact with several countries to find a pavilion " development and solid to stay in the central Mediterranean.

Moral duty versus state cynicism

During the press conference this Friday (December 7) morning, Sophie Beau, co-founder of the association, reaffirmed: "NWe are going, we must, to go back to sea, it is a moral and legal duty”, face “political cynicism which consists in witnessing predictable deaths”

A resilient symbol

The Aquarius, the ship symbol “, remains immobilized, for two months soon, at the port of Marseilles, threatened with seizure within the framework of a procedure launched in Sicily on the accusation of mistreatment of waste. One of the latest examples of the campaign " relentlessly » denounced by the association.


Emmanuelle Stroesser

A journalist for magazines and the press, Emmanuelle specializes in humanitarian issues, development, asylum and migration and human rights.
