The EU is deploying a mission to Baghdad to help the Iraqi internal security forces. Why ?
(B2) The European Union is back in Baghdad, within the framework of the Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP). It has just deployed, in complete discretion (1), a mission, called "EUAM Iraq", responsible for advising the Iraqi internal security forces.
This is the first civilian mission launched under the "Mogherini" mandate under the CSDP. The last two civilian missions launched were in December 2014 (EUAM Ukraine) and January 2015 (EUCAP Sahel Mali) but corresponded to missions prepared under the previous mandate (Catherine Ashton mandate). Two military missions/operations were launched under the mandate of the current High Representative: in the Mediterranean (EUNAVFOR Med/Sophia) and in the Central African Republic (EUTM RCA which succeeded a precursor mission EUMAM RCA).
What is the objective of this mission?
The objective is to support the Iraqi government in its reform of the civilian security sector (2). As mission leader Markus Ritter explains, " EUAM Iraq will ensure complementarity with the various ongoing efforts to strengthen internal security in Iraq and focus on critical areas identified by Iraqi partners ».
Why the name EUAM for this mission?
From his full name, "European Union Advisory Mission in support of Security Sector Reform in Iraq", the acronym EUAM Iraq was drawn. A similar mission is deployed in Ukraine (EUAM Ukraine).
Will EUAM ensure security on Iraqi territory?
No. As its name suggests, EUAM is only an advisory mission. This is not a mission with an executive (force) mandate.
Where will the mission work?
The mission is based in Baghdad itself, in the "red" zone, initially at the Hotel Babylon (which faces the green zone, on the other side of the river). According to our information, once its full operational capacity has been reached, the mission should move into a compound clean.
How long will it last?
The mandate is scheduled for one year, until October 17, 2018. But, as usual, this mandate is renewable. And the mission should last several years.
Who finances the operation?
EUAM Iraq is financed from the European budget, under the common foreign and security policy (CFSP) line. The budget allocated for the first year is 14 million euros. A good part of the envelope will be intended to pay the personnel and the security of the expatriates.
Who leads the team?
It is a German, Markus Ritter, who has been appointed head of mission. Trained as a police officer and deputy head of the federal police at Frankfurt airport, he has also regularly taken part in several international missions with the UN, the EU, or bilaterally (Kosovo, Afghanistan).
How many people form the mission?
The EUAM team will eventually include, once all the recruitments have been made, 35 European experts (51 people taking local staff into account). Added to this are the security guards provided by a private company.
Will the mission work solo?
No. The Europeans will work in close coordination with their colleagues from the EU delegation in Iraq as well as with the other international partners present, such as the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), as well as NATO and the coalition world against Daesh (led by the Americans).
Is this the first European mission on Iraq?
No, from 2005 to 2013, the European Union had set up an EUJUST Lex Iraq mission, in order to strengthen judicial capacities in Iraq. This mission first worked outside Iraq (as security conditions were not met) then inside the country (read: The EUJUST Lex mission deployed throughout Iraq. But still disagree Soma). And our profile: EUJUST Lex Iraq
(Elena Barba & Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)
(1) Usually, the launch of a mission was accompanied by at least one ON record press conference by the head of mission, and one OFF record briefing. That time is over. The priority no longer really seems to be placed on the missions / operations of the CSDP...
(2) You have to specify that this is indeed an advisory mission to the internal security forces and not relating to "civil security", as is sometimes mentioned in European documents. A translation error and, above all, an error in meaning.
Go further, read our complete fact sheet on the EUAM mission, The EUAM Iraq Homeland Security Advisory Operation