End of training for the Libyan Coast Guard
(B2) 59 members of the Libyan Navy and Coast Guard received from the hands of the Rear Admiral Gilles Boidevezi, Deputy Commander of Operation Sophia their graduation certificate. The ceremony took place on November 16 at the Scuola Sottufficiali della Marina of Taranto.
Started on September 17, the "Patrol Boat Crew Training» had for eight weeks the purpose of training theLibyan trainees in search and rescue procedures, the fight against illegal trafficking at sea, navigation, fishing regulations, international maritime law and international human rights law, procedure asylum application, first aid and medical care.
The team of trainers, says a statement from the operation, included military personnel from the Italian armed forces and other EU member states, as well as representatives from organizations such as the UNHCR - United Nations Agency for refugees, the European Border Guard (Frontex) and the European Asylum Support Agency (EASO), the Italian Relief Society of the Order of Malta (CISOM) and the Francesca Rava Foundation.