B2's lifeReadsWeekend

The Common European Security and Defense Policy – ​​A Comprehensive Handbook on European Defense

To understand everything about Defense Europe, there is finally a solution. A comprehensive handbook on the "Common European Security and Defense Policy", the first of a long series, published in editions of Villard.

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A real "bible" on European defense

This is a first because today there is no up-to-date work in French covering all the questions posed by Defense Europe, in a clear and pedagogical way. The so-called "Common European Security and Defense Policy" (CSDP) is still a no man's land, full of fantasies and largely unknown.

A still unknown policy

Born in the Balkans, this common European policy has evolved in fits and starts. Some dream of it as a 'European army' or an alternative to NATO. Others vilify its weakness or its slowness. The ESDP, which has become CSDP, has neither these ambitions nor these flaws. On the contrary ! It has advantages that are not well known. This is what this book is all about: knowing how Defense Europe really works.

A four-handed work

This book is written by four hands, by an academic and a journalist, who have combined their common expertise: André Dumoulin (lecturer at the University of Liège and professor at the Royal Military Institute – Belgian) and Nicolas Gros-Verheyde (editor-in-chief of B2, former auditor at IHEDN, Sud-Ouest correspondent for the EU and NATO). The first brings the historical distance to understand, the second gives a highlighting of the news.

A very political preface

Federica Mogherini, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (and Vice-President of the European Commission), agreed to sign a preface (which is also a first) which introduces this work well. A very political text to read carefully...

Say the existing ... without concessions

Each time, the authors draw from the best sources to give the right definitions, to know the big (and the little) story.... They don't procrastinate either to say when it failed... but also when it worked . An uncompromising balance sheet.

Concrete answers

Why has WEU (Western European Union) never managed to take off? How did the mutual defense (assistance) clause come about? How does the enigmatic COPS (Political and Security Committee) work? How did Javier Solana manage to make his “hole”? What is Catherine Ashton's 'true' track record or how Federica Mogherini was named? What are the battle groups. When could they have been deployed? Why was this not the case? What are the criteria for permanent structured cooperation (PESCO)? What will the new MPCC, the mini permanent military HQ, be used for? What are the real consequences of Brexit? Are the British necessary for the Europe of defence? Is the future a little more shared defense?

Five parts, 25 chapters, 1500 references

In five parts – history, institutions, tools, field missions and the future – the authors detail the failures, upheavals and advances of this original defense policy. 25 uncompromising chapters, supported by the various texts drawn up, comments from ministers, Heads of State or Government, High Representatives, as well as experts on issues and diplomats, drawn from the best sources. Nearly 1500 notes and references have been inserted to enable readers to find the original documents. All embellished with perspective, anecdotes that sometimes say as much as all the theoretical explanations. A real "bible" on European defence.

Editorial innovations

But it's not just a book you'll have in your hand...

Mix “paper” + “electronics”

Online media, B2 Bruxelles2 wanted to return to paper, for a good reason: there is nothing more practical to consult than a book when you want to have an overall view of a subject. The book is therefore irreplaceable. But in the era of rapidly changing news, electronics and its speed as well as its fluidity is also essential. The “paper” book will therefore be completed on the internet.

A chapter updated as news arises

An afterword chapter was added at the last moment, during the composition of the work, before sending it to print, to incorporate the latest news. This chapter will be updated over time on the internet (and in new reprints). A special internet page will provide access to the update of this chapter, to the original documents (official texts, organization charts, articles of doctrine). While a replica of the book will be available to B2 members and B2 Pro subscribers, in the form of regularly updated files. An original first in publishing.

To order the book

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B2 members and readers of the B2 Pro edition on the special page

Student associations, universities, Young IHEDN

Book Updates

Technical manual

Authors: André Dumoulin & Nicolas Gros-Verheyde
Preface: Federica Mogherini
Editions du Villard, "Manual" collection
Format 14,8 x 21 cm, 492 pages
Price 52 euros (55 euros postage included Belgium/France).
ISBN: 9782956001300
French release: April 2017.
Electronic update: March 2019.

Learn more

Press review, readers' opinions, table of contents, etc. on the website of editions of Villard

B2 Writing

© B2 - Bruxelles2 is a French online media that focuses on political Europe (powers, defence, foreign policy, internal security). It follows and analyzes developments in European policy, unvarnished and without concessions. Approved by the CPPAP. Member of SPIIL. Please quote "B2" or "Bruxelles2" in case of recovery
