Trump, you won't get us
(B2) With Donald Trump, Europeans inherit a cumbersome, unpredictable friend who embodies old values, who no longer loves them. A threat in itself. This is the meaning of the book just released by our colleague Maroun Labaki (former Evening). After the observation, we can have several ways to react: bow down, vociferate... or act together. It is this third way that Maroun advocates.
For him, Europeans are today faced with their responsibilities. In terms of defence, internal security, innovation and research in particular, they have no other choice but to come together and acquire the necessary autonomy.
On defence, his observation is largely in line with that of B2: resources are fragmented, investments dispersed, the ability to act remains limited (even more so with Brexit). Europe is not powerless, it makes itself powerless.
This impotence can manifest itself quickly in economic matters. Even in their areas of excellence, such as research, Europeans must be careful. They are now overtaken by certain countries such as China. In conclusion, for the author, “tomorrow, sovereignty will be European or it will not be. Our salvation will be European or it will not be”.
The book is short, well written. It reads quickly. But it is dense. Maroun has chosen a few specific examples where he demonstrates this European necessity, using figures but also journalistic memories and personal emotions. What makes this book very endearing, beyond the ideas it promotes.
(Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)
Ed. La Boite à Pandora, 13,90 euros, approx. 120 pages.