Nearly 5000 migrants rescued in the Mediterranean on Thursday

(B2) Close to 5000 migrants were rescued in the Mediterranean this Thursday (June 23) during several rescue operations, the Italian coast guard announced. It was sunny and clear this morning off the coast of Libya. Result: the migrant canoes were out. " At the first light of dawn, an intense migratory flow from the Libyan coast was recorded says the Italian Navy. All Italian and European ships (EUNAVFOR Med / Sophia) and NGOs in the area were mobilized, coming to the aid of 40 inflatable boats.
THEAliseo which is participating in Operation Mare Sicuro, took charge of 2 canoes with 264 migrants on board. His compatriot Vega rescued 2 canoes with 250 migrants on board. While the Reply of the NGO Moas boarded at least 3 canoes with 382 people on board.