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Renzi's political kickboxing lesson

Matteo Renzi, receiving the Afghan President, Ashraf Ghani,

(B2) The interview given by Matteo Renzi on a daily basis Corriere della Sera this Sunday looks like a real kickboxing lesson. He continued it this afternoon with a message broadcast on the elections A festival...

A blow to those who tax the Italian position with softness...

“Italy's position is clear and robust. We need to wipe out the terrorists, not please the commentators. And the thing that we must not is a multiplication of ad hoc reactions without a strategic look. We can afford everything, except a second Libya”.

A blow in the tatanes of Berlusconi and Sarkozy

Asked about the possible leadership " If the means of leadership is to play chase after bombing others, I say, no thanks. We have already given. Italy used this strategy in Libya in 2011: only to end up reluctantly rallying to Sarkozy's position. Four years of civil war in Libya have shown that this was not a happy choice. And today we need a different strategy. »

The Italian army little committed?

Reproaching Italy for not being present seems difficult to him. " Italy is present everywhere: we lead the mission in Lebanon, we are in Afghanistan, Kosovo, Somalia, Iraq. Ban Ki-moon's military adviser is Italian, it's General Serra »

A little pat on the back for Angela

“The Germans decided to increase their contingent after (the attack in) Paris. But they have not yet reached our level of commitment. And what they decided in December 2015, we have been doing since September 2014.”

A flick in passing to François Hollande

“I have great respect, esteem and personal friendship for François Hollande. He is a very intelligent man and his reaction (NB: the declaration of war against Daesh) is legitimate and understandable. But he leads a wounded France, which needs to give answers, starting internally. A sentence that can be read in both directions, after the advances of the National Front in the regional elections.

Schools and theaters not just bombs...

“We want to broaden the thinking. It is necessary to fight Daesh: let's discuss how to do it. And let's not forget that the attacks were planned in the suburbs of European cities. A response is also needed in Italy. That's why we need schools and theaters, not just bombs. This is why every euro spent on defense will result in one euro for culture”.

And, finally, an uppercut to Europe

The last blow, the President of the Italian Council carried it today. A message broadcast in particular on his facebook account and entitled “ Europe must change ».

“The time has come for the European institutions to face up to reality — he writes (also in French). You cannot survive by tactical means alone. Without a strategic vision, especially in terms of economy and growth, the populist forces will win; sooner or later they will also win in national political elections. (...) If Europe does not change its course immediately, the European institutions risk becoming (knowing it or not) the best allies of Marine Le Pen and of those who try to emulate her. »



Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
