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Political and defence Europe (by Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)

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The EUCAP Nestor mission installed in Mogadishu

EucapNestor logo(B2) The European mission EUCAP Nestor is now fully established in Somalia. It moved its headquarters from Djibouti to Mogadishu in early October. This marks a turning point for EUCAP Nestor, which is moving from being a regional mission to focusing solely on Somalia. A logical continuation of the strategic evolution decided last year. The mission also has an office in Hargeisa (Somaliland) and is looking to open external offices in Garowe (Puntland) in the near future. The support office is now in Nairobi. The mission's logo has also been revised, abandoning its acronym "Horn of Africa".

Leonor Hubaut

© B2 - Bruxelles2 is a French online media that focuses on political Europe (powers, defence, foreign policy, internal security). It follows and analyzes developments in European policy, unvarnished and without concessions. Approved by the CPPAP. Member of SPIIL. Please quote "B2" or "Bruxelles2" in case of recovery Leonor Hubaut is a journalist. Graduated in international relations from the Free University of Brussels (specialization in globalization). She covers for B2 the work of the European Parliament, CSDP missions and African issues. Sahel specialist.