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“Holland” diplomacy

HollandConfPresse@Fr150205(BRUSSELS2) President François Hollande gave, during his press conference, Thursday, February 5), in Paris a certain number of answers on French defense, world diplomacy and the main crises in progress (Ukraine, Syria, Nigeria) . Questions that he deepened during discussions with journalists, in particular with my colleagues Alain Barluet, from Le Figaro, and Hervé Hasquin from AFP and Michel Urvoy from Ouest-France. Whether on the defense budget, the delivery of arms to Ukraine and the negotiation with Russia, the fight against Boko Haram or the situation in Lebanon. To read, because it somehow fixes the current "doctrine" of France on the international scene.

Nuclear deterrence: a force to be modernized, with sufficiency

“This debate is not open in France, but it was. And I also intend that our deterrent force be modernized as much as necessary, and always with the principle of sufficiency, and therefore in transparency on the nuclear weapons that France has.

The defense budget: preserved, increased if necessary

“I make sure that security is preserved and that we can do it within the envelopes that have been provided. If there were dangers that appeared, I would take my responsibilities. » The current budget of 31,4 billion (which) must be secured, safeguarded, preserved, (…) makes it possible to achieve the objectives. On the staff, (…) I made sure, given what was today the threat, to maintain a level of staff, which is in line with what I think the interest of the country. »

The reinforced Vigipirate plan, for as long as necessary

“We were able to mobilize more than 10 soldiers to ensure the security of a certain number of places (…) and we will maintain the system, as long as necessary, even if we can adapt it. »

Peace threatened in Ukraine

“Peace is threatened on the borders of Europe, in Ukraine. Yes, in Ukraine there is war. (...) We still believe that war is for others, we still think that war is far away, that war is not for our generation - it was for the times of our parents , of our grandparents - we cannot imagine that war could be a reality and yet, a few hours by plane to the East of Europe, at its borders, there are women, men , civilians who die every day; there are heavy weapons that are laid out; there is artillery fire; there are hospitals that are targeted; there are trenches being dug and we have therefore gone in a few months imperceptibly from what was a dispute to a conflict and from a conflict to a war. »

Sanctions work but have not stopped hostilities

“Since June 6, 2014, France has been on the initiative with Germany. With Angela Merkel, we have worked a lot in recent months, multiplied the calls, spoken with each other. We have been able to make progress; they did not withstand the showdown supporters. Sanctions have been pronounced, numerous; they had their effect, but they did not put an end to hostilities. »

A new initiative for peace in Ukraine

Germany and France are going to work together a new settlement proposal on the conflict itself. (It) will be based on the territorial integrity of Ukraine ". Proposal presented to Ukrainian President Poroshenko on Thursday (5 February) and to Russian President V. Putin on Friday (6 February). " It will not be said that France and Germany, together, will not have tried everything, undertaken everything, to preserve peace. »

Two options: arm or negotiate

There are two options: either we go into a logic of arming the protagonists, since some do it - the Russians - against the separatists - so let's do it for the Ukrainians to enable them to defend themselves. Moreover, the French president does not see the differentiation (made in particular by the Americans) “between a defensive weapon and an offensive weapon. (...) It is a precaution of language to say that we could be ready to arm the Ukrainians ". " And there is another option, it is not sure to succeed, but if it is not tried we will never be, it is the option of diplomacy, of negotiation, it cannot be extended indefinitely. »

No arms delivery to Ukraine, no NATO integration

« France is not at war in Ukraine - and it does not want to be at war in Ukraine - it wants to avoid war. And she won't! France cannot enter into this logic and, for the moment, we must do everything so that it is diplomacy and politics that regain their rights; France does not enter into the debate on the supply of arms to Ukraine. (…) France is not in favor of Ukraine joining the Atlantic Alliance. »

The role of France against Boko Haram

Facing Boko Haram, “The African Union has just decided to set up (an) African force. (In the meantime), Chad, Cameroon, Nigeria are coordinating their forces to act against Boko Haram. (And) France provides logistical and operational support, including by providing fuel and sometimes ammunition. It supports these African forces fighting against terrorism. »

A president for Lebanon, talk with everyone including Iran

There has been a vacuum at the top of the state for several months since there has not been the election of a President of the Republic. We are working with others (…) so that this election can take place as soon as possible. When I say “othersˮ (…) it is including Iran which is also one of the solutions for solving this problem.

A call for task sharing

No country has been designated in this sharing. But it is unquestionably aimed at Europeans. " France cannot be the only power in the world to act with military and financial means which have been recalled. So there's a message I want to send to the international community, and to the bigger countries, do your job, don't lecture, do the action. It is not the same, the lesson and the action. Do your duty, no one will do it for you. (…) We must help Africans, much more to act against terrorism. And if we don't, there will again be states that will be destabilized. »

The Franco-German couple

(It is) " an old story, I don't know if there's a couple, I don't know if there's a driving force, but there's a strong link between France and Germany, because when France and Germany 'Germany are united it weighs not only in Europe, it weighs all over the world. »

To be European is not to be left or right, it is united

“I am European. I am not making a Europe of the left. If I were to make a Europe of the left, it would be a small Europe at the moment, but I am not making a Europe of the right because that is not the conception I have of Europe, nor what it should represent for the people. (…) What is perhaps characteristic of France is that it is able to speak to both sides, and to unite them. Getting together on the essentials even when there are divisions, even when there are sensitivities, but the European Union must be a European project. »

A universal civic service

« What I am proposing today is a universal civic service. We know that today there are four times more requests than there is civic service offered. Any person, any young person under the age of 25 (...) who presents himself from June 1 of this year will be able to do a civic service (...) of eight months. This will suppose to put all the communities, all the associations, all the ministries, in capacity to propose 150 or 000 missions in a particularly short time, but finally which can be spread over several months. The civic service agency will be strengthened. »


Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
