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And after EUFOR RCA? We must seriously think about an RSS mission

(BRUXELLES2 - exclusive) The 28 Defense Ministers today (18 November) gave their "green light" to the planning of a new European CSDP mission in the Central African Republic, intended to take over from the European peace stabilization operation in Bangui, EUFOR RCA.

A more modest mission

This mission will be centered on a completely different focus, without an executive mandate (without the use of force) and much more modest in size. It is a question of reforming the security services (RSS), basically, re-establishing the Central African army (the FACA), with first of all a mission of strategic advice, then some training. The High Representative, Federica Mogherini, was finally mandated by the Council to prepare a Crisis Management Concept (CMC) with a view to this "possible" CSDP operation in the Central African Republic. The draft conclusions of the Council, which did not mention this element, were modified, after debate between ministers, and at the request of Jean-Yves Le Drian, the French Minister of Defence.

A certain political success for EUFOR

This project is close to the hearts of the French. But not only. In six months, the turnaround is undeniable in European corridors. As much as the launch of EUFOR, RCA was viewed with suspicion by several European ministers, doubting its principle as well as its effectiveness, regarding this action in a former French territory with suspicion, as many European ministers and officers today recognize his utility. This is confirmed to B2 by a diplomat well involved in these negotiations. EUFOR RCA has been extremely contested at the start, it was difficult to set up. But today everyone says that it was very useful on the ground, and made it possible to facilitate the transfer to the UN. from MISCA to MINUSCA.

Do not lose the acquired result

The French Defense Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, therefore pleaded with his colleagues not to lose this result along the way. " We must not regret the conditions in which the EUFOR RCA operation will end. It is a question of knowing what we are going to do with the FACA. (and) an RSS mission seems an appropriate tool for this he pleaded in substance, according to the elements collected by B2 from diplomats present in the room. A statement approved by the ministers who thus agreed to modify the conclusions which did not mention, at the start, to give so precisely a "mandate" to the High Representative.

Re-establishing the FACA: a real challenge

Which is no small feat. The Central African armed forces are today confined to their barracks. " They stay a little idle, and have no job. You don't have to hide. This is a very tricky question said an officer present in the field at B2 recently. " They must be reorganized, reduced in number, retired, sanctioned those who should be, reconstituted units. Widely shared point of view, European side. " Taking into account the fate of the FACA is definitely urgent said, on several occasions, General Pontiès, head of the EUFOR RCA operation, to his various interlocutors (ministers, diplomats, Chiefs of Defense Staff). (*)

(Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)

(*) To read also on the Club:

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
