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EUAM Ukraine let's go

(BRUSSELS2) The "28" Foreign Ministers decided on Tuesday (22 July) to set up a new common security and defense policy mission in Ukraine. Referred to as EUAM Ukraine (Advisory Mission), the essential purpose of this mission is to advising the Ukrainian authorities on the reform of the national security sector” in Ukraine, according to the draft decision seen by B2.

Strategic consulting assignment...

Civil mission (and not military), it will not have “no execution skills — in other words, on-the-spot force or law enforcement skills. Its essential objective will be to advise and supervise the national security forces (maintenance of public order, traffic police, crime, etc.). This, at the strategic level, that is to say ministerial structures or general command, even regional.

... to restore the rule of law

It is above all a question of helping with the reform, in particular the decentralization of the forces but also their insertion in the rule of law. The fight against the endemic corruption of certain police forces being a "titanic" task - the example often coming from above, from very high up. The assignment will last for 2 years. But from an internal source, European diplomats have specified that this duration could be much longer.

A work of Titan

This is a " first phase ". The first draft decisions also mentioned an approach in successive phases. And we were talking about three successive phases. That is a minimum of 5 years... Putting back in place the rule of law structures “ takes at least ten years mention the main experts on the subject.

(Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)

(*) NB: the draft decision mentions "civil" by translation of the English term "civilian security". Bad translation in our opinion because it has another meaning in France as in all French-speaking and Latin countries. I prefer the term "national security" which is more accurate.

To read, all the details (in the Club edition of B2): The EUAM Ukraine mission formalized. The complete text, the calendar

EUAM in the absence of EUSR!

The definition of the name of the mission will go down in history as a good exercise in high geopolitical acrobatics. It took a few hours for the various experts from the Member States to agree and find the right acronym (read: The new CSDP mission in Ukraine. The first details). The first name proposed was classic, it corresponds to any Security Sector Reform support mission, or EUSSR... except that EUSSR Ukraine had an aftertaste of the defunct USSR. Failed! Other names have been tested. They did not really correspond to the content of the mission. In the end, we stayed with Advisory Mission (advisory mission in French). Acceptable... provided that some minds do not think of translating the French word "council" which has a double meaning, in its other meaning (committee, structure). Which would give in Russian or Ukrainian "soviet"... 🙂


Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
