Pirate attack fails in the Strait of Hormuz
(BRUSSELS2) A tanker was attacked this Sunday (March 30) by pirates in the Strait of Hormuz, at 24° North and 61° East, we learn from maritime sources, about 8 miles from the island of Musandam (Oman). The ship was approached by two skiffs, less than two meters away. The presence of weapons in the hands of the pursuers and of a ladder aboard a skiff left no doubt as to the intentions of the pursuers. The pirates - there were six on board - did not hesitate to fire twice to try to stop their prey. The sailors were forced to maneuver for a good 25 minutes, activate the fire pumps, and push the engines to full speed, before the pirates turned back.
Comments : this is not the first that an attack has taken place in this area, close to Pakistan. But rarely had an attack been perpetrated so deep in the strait. It seems that the threat of piracy has moved in recent weeks from the coasts of Somalia to the coasts of Oman and Pakistan.
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