Central African Republic: a certain European cowardice
(BRUSSELS2) What is happening in Bangui and in the rest of the Central African Republic is beginning to resemble situations that we have experienced in the past at European level. The days pass and the macabre count continues in the Central African Republic: 400 dead in Bangui, then 600... And still, we do not have the full assessment of what is happening in the other towns and villages of the country which, according to a few testimonials, is not entirely trivial. Faced with this, we have to recognize a certain absence and a certain European indifference.
The alarm bell
It is not for lack of having sounded the alarm bell. French diplomacy in particular (often criticized) played a significant role here, resulting in a United Nations resolution. At European level, voices have been rarer, with one exception: Humanitarian Aid Commissioner K. Georgieva, who for several months has regularly sought to draw attention, with a certain indifference, to this " forgotten crisis ". The European "humanitarian" budget released for the country is significant: 20 million euros (in one year). But without commensurate with what has been committed for Syria (nearly 900 million euros in two years). And the attention of Europeans seems to be much more turned towards Ukraine and the demonstrators in Maidan Square in kyiv than towards Bangui.
Are the Europeans there?
This question can be asked. The answer is: Yes, to some extent. A few quick rotations of the British, many more Belgians and Germans who will arrive later, and the Poles or Spaniards who have not yet officially confirmed their participation. But that is very little, all the same, given the magnitude of the problem. Without interference, 600.000 people (are) threatened! “warned Laurent Fabius, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, in front of our colleagues from Europe1 / iTélé / LeMonde, Saturday (December 14). Before saying " very diplomatically as he himself admitted: I wouldn't be shocked if there were more presence.e European ».
Incidentally, the Minister also confirmed the refusal of the British to intervene : “There are (European) units that can intervene. They are run by the English. But there they say no: no, it's not European enough, there isn't enough deliberation, etc”. Information that B2 readers know (read: Battlegroup for the Central African Republic? How Cathy said stop!). Behind this refusal, hide small compromises, a certain lack of will and, it must be said, a certain lack of solidarity. We dare not force compromise. « The problem is that there really is no Europe of Defense admitted Laurent Fabius. " We are for Defense Europe. But she is not there”.
More European solidarity
And to announce: I will ask (today) before the Foreign Affairs Council that there be a more solid, stronger competition, including on the ground, including in men. The Minister should in particular reiterate the idea developed by François Hollande first in Paris on the sidelines of the African summit and then in Sao Paulo to have a European Fund for peacekeeping forces. A subject that will be discussed at the European summit on December 19 and 20.
A complicity in indifference
This indifference - this "cowardice", there is no other word - will remain an indelible stain in the (short) history of European defence. As the wait-and-see attitude had preceded and accompanied the dramas in the former Yugoslavia. To refuse to intervene, and even to look at the reality, to do the maximum possible (even if it means failing), while massacres are taking place, is to be (a little) complicit in these massacres.
Europe (of defence) or not?
Europe today cannot content itself with a little humanitarian aid, a development program and good words. She always did for years. Defense Europe is not that. If the EU wants to have a little pride in existing, to want to weigh in the world (and its neighborhood), it must implement this famous European security and common defense policy. If this CSDP wants to be a reality, it must take action. Leaving a "battlegroup" in the garage isn't just a tactical mistake, it's a strategic mistake.
Lowering our guard in the Central African Republic means letting our guard down elsewhere
For countries that only understand strength - like Russia or Iran or even China - this is a sign of incredible weakness. The battle lost in Bangui could then be the sign of other battles lost on other fronts, including political and economic, in Ukraine or elsewhere. In other words, how to dialogue with a Lavrov who knows very well that Europe can do nothing without the Americans, not even send a few helicopters to Chad (like five years ago when the help of the Russians was invaluable) or 1500 men in the Central African Republic today. The "global" approach - so often used wrongly and through - also means considering that the planet is not divided into different watertight compartments.
If Europe wants to be a soft power (soft power), it must remain and consider itself as a power all the same, which has certain obligations, in particular that of avoiding the worst, the "never again" of Srebrenica and Rwanda.
(Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)
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