EUTM Mali “Even war has limits”

(BRUSSELS2) At the Koulikoro camp, military training, strictly speaking, is coupled with practical training in international humanitarian law (IHL). The objective of these courses, included in the EUTM Mali training cycle, is very practical. This is to enable Malian soldiers to know how to react and behave towards civilian populations or refugees that they may encounter during their future deployments. Based on concrete cases: How to search a house and deal with suspicious civilians? What to do if during a checkpoint, a civilian flees? How to control a suspect when a certain number of civilians are around, how to treat a prisoner? etc.
« Designed by EUTM for EUTM, this unique course is the most advanced in this field », we explain from EUTM Mali. The IHL investigation is coordinated by Great Britain, which has made an expert available, in collaboration with the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). European instructors also receive weekly training, which they must integrate into military courses.
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