The European Defence Agency organises its first “war game”
(BRUSSELS2) The first war/strategy game devoted to the future of the European Union's military capabilities begins on Tuesday (4 June). It will take place until June 6 in The Hague. This meeting will bring together 25 experts from the Member States of the Union to " have a quick understanding of what future (EU) capability needs might look like says Peter Round, Capability Manager at EDA.
Help predict future developments
The wargame is a element to support Member States in defining the military capabilities necessary for common security and for medium and long-term defense policy operations ". The exercise will identify decisive elements and points and guide future decisions in terms of civilian and military capabilities. The final results of the exercise will be presented to Member States in autumn 2013.
Different scenarios under study
During the three days, the participants will look at 4 different scenarios. The first called Classic Case, will predict that the global balance will continue from a "fpositive and stable way ". The second, Aggressive Multi-Polarism will address the case where several strong powers would compete in terms of influence, resources and military. The third case, Failing State, foresees the possibility of an increase in the number of States that cannot " better respond to the challenges of globalization, resource competition and climate change ". Finally, the experts will consider the case of an unconventional conflict (Unconventional Conflicts) where the direct military opposition is rare and where a struggle between the States takes place through new actors (aid to terrorism or radical actors) .