EUTM Mali: the issue of helicopters resolved by Monday? (Shift)
(BRUSSELS2) This is the hope of the European military. And the pressure is strong on the Belgian government at the moment. An official letter was also sent by the High Representative of the EU, C. Ashton, to the Belgian Minister of Defence, asking him to specify his contribution.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Didier Reynders, traveling to Mali, has " not excluded » that the Belgian A109 helicopters currently deployed in Mali as part of Operation Serval can be used for the European training mission of the Malian army (EUTM Mali). " All the political parties have come out in Parliament for a strengthening of Defense Europe. It would therefore be logical for us to participate in this operation. (...) I will plead within the government so that we remain present on the ground in Mali, one way or another. “, he explained to a few Belgian colleagues who had made the trip, including V. Kiesel of the daily Le Soir. But D. Reynders set certain conditions. First of all the famous budgetary, military but also political evaluation of this participation (which was the condition for participation in Operation Serval in Prime Minister Di Rupo's January 15 statement). But also more generally, a "review" of the missions in progress " It is out of the question to continue to accumulate participation in missions everywhere. Given the budgetary context, it is difficult for us to be present on all fronts at the same time ».
A Belgian alternation that weighs on the mission
A beautiful declaration on the principle, which reflects an awareness of the minister, but does not seem sufficient in the state. The launch decision must indeed be taken on February 18 (at the Council of Foreign Ministers). It seems difficult to wait until the end of the month. Without a launch decision, there is no possibility of signing contracts (for premises, vehicles, etc.) and of making the various appointments. The precursor element of 70 people in Bamako will quickly find themselves in a certain legal vacuum, difficult to prolong. And the whole thing risks being postponed for a few days. On the European side, we remain attentive to the result even if the incredulity in front of this Belgian mic-mac breaks through. " It's totally incomprehensible confides a European soldier who discovers the "refinements" of Belgian politics.
A quickly summonable kern
On the side of the PS group in the Chamber, the tone is identical or even harder. Christophe Lacroix, explained it during a debate held at the end of January. " With regard to the training operation of the Malian army, piloted by the European Union, know that our group refuses to finance it simultaneously with the Serval military intervention”. In any case, a "kern" (restricted meeting of the council of ministers) could be held quickly. " Anytime, even on weekends We were told at "16" (the Prime Minister's seat).
A simple solution... to solve the Belgian pataquès
The solution looks simple on paper. All that is needed is for the helicopters to be repatriated to Bamako and to give them a dual role for both Serval and EUTM. This allows both to respect the mandate given by the Belgian government and parliament and to start the mission. Yes but here it is. At De Crem's cabinet, we do not understand. " It was the French themselves who asked us to settle in Sévare. " Indeed the surgical unit (Role 2) to which the helicopters were attached should have " normally be established in Bamako but, at the request of France, it was established in Sévaré ". During the last informal meeting of defense ministers, at the beginning of the week in Dublin, the Belgian minister was very cautious, in the room, according to our information, refusing to commit and containing himself to quote his French counterpart Jean Yves The Drian.
The question of funding
This "difficulty" raises the issue of the common budget for military operations (Athena) covering certain expenses. It would only make sense that the means of medical evacuation. B2 posed the question to subject matter experts. The budget of 12 million euros allocated to the mission " does not allow this support ". And increasing this budget is another matter. " Delicate would be the word. Some countries - big contributors (Germany, Netherlands...) - are still reluctant to any increase in this budget. However, that would only be logical. Medical evacuation was made a condition for the launch and participation of the mission by several Member States. It is necessary for the mission. And the cost is reasonable for countries. According to the figures obtained by B2, on the basis of the cost quantified by the Belgian Ministry of Defense (6,9 million euros), the increase in the common budget would result in an increase in the German contribution of 1,4 million euros, the French contribution of 1,1 million euros, etc.
No helicopters, no mission
At the time of closing this paper, no response had reached the Belgian side. And no other alternative considered or conceivable was possible. With a consequence: without helicopters, no decision to launch the mission, Monday » as a soldier told B2.