West Africa - SahelMissions Operations

A little explanation in Dublin expected on EUTM Mali

It is not certain that all the remarks exchanged in the corridors on Tuesday or Wednesday are all friendly. But it is true that Dublin Castle has seen others (Credit: Wikipedia / Wknight94)

(BRUSSELS) The informal meeting of Defense Ministers in Dublin this Tuesday (12) and Wednesday (13) could be the occasion for a small explanation of "text" between Defense Ministers on the establishment of the training operation of the Malian army (EUTM Mali). Even if, officially, in Paris, the tone remains courteous and that we refuse to dramatize or to place one or the other country in the "corner", the time is no longer for procrastination. " We need to complete the force generation. “says one in the entourage of the French Minister of Defense, Jean-Yves Le Drian. " Mobilization is necessary”. In fact, for the generation of forces to be complete, the "medical evacuation" function, provided by helicopters which would be based in Bamako or Koulikoro, is still missing.

Delayed procedure

On the sidelines of the informal meeting, the meetings should therefore go well in the Dublin Castle which welcomes the participants in this informal meeting. In the meantime, the procedure devised to speed up decision-making - a decision by written procedure - has been cancelled. And the next scheduled date for the adoption of the decision has been set for February 18 (the date of the meeting of foreign ministers). Which is neither more nor less than a return to the option taken from the beginning of the implementation of the operation to a decision either on February 12 or February 18. It is still necessary to have found by then the country which will accept to quickly place two helicopters for the medical evacuation in Bamako...

On the meeting agenda

On the meeting's agenda - as readers of the B2 Club already know - is the preparation of the December European Council devoted to defense issues, the situation in Mali and the Sahel (with the presence of General Lecointre), the Horn of Africa both on the piracy front (with the new head of Eunavfor Atalanta) and on the Somali situation (with the new head of EUTM Somalia, General Aherne) and EU partnerships especially with the UN.

Irish Presidency

H. Ladsous, the UN Deputy Secretary General in charge of peacekeeping operations, will be present as well as the NATO Secretary General, AF Rasmussen, who does not miss any European meeting. The meeting will be chaired by Irish Defense (and Justice) Minister Alan Shatter. The High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, is indeed absent, due to attend the meeting of the UN Security Council in New York. She will be represented by Maciej Popowski, Deputy Secretary General of the Diplomatic Service (SEAE).

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Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
