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French operation in Mali: a commitment of tough continuity

(BRUXELLES2, commentary) There is a change in political tone and pace. The operations are announced without too much fanfare, with fewer drums and trumpets, more quietly. Probably a little more concerted. But the continuity of French power in military matters and external intervention is striking.

The France of François Hollande intervenes in the Central African Republic first of all to secure the nationals, of course, but also to mark a presence alongside - or rather alongside the official power. As the France of Nicolas Sarkozy had intervened in 2008 alongside the Chadian power. F. Hollande's France is now intervening in Mali in a conflict, "solo" - in an admittedly marked international context - a bit like Nicolas Sarkozy's France had intervened in Côte d'Ivoire (but here there was a UN force present). And the consensus exists at the national level. The parliamentary right approving this intervention.

This "Serval" operation presents a real military risk. Because the rebels oppose a real resistance (a French soldier has already paid with his life) and because the conflict can last. But it is also a real political gamble. It is a matter of influencing the international and African scene to force the various partners — European Union on the one hand, ECOWAS on the other — to speed up the decision to intervene. A bet which, if won, could notably install the government of F. Hollande which, until now, lacked a certain international stature, in the game of the great powers. ...

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).

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