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Mursi in Brussels. A visit full of challenges

(BRUSSELS2) “ History is how a senior European diplomat qualifies the visit of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi today (September 13) to Brussels. He uses this word four reasons he explains to us. Morsi is the " first democratically elected president from the Arab Spring to visit us ". This is also his first trip to the "west", after two bilateral visits to Saudi Arabia and China, and a multilateral visit to Iran. For Europe, in its fight for democracy in the world — “which is and will always be a very important point” —, Egypt is a centerpiece. “It is the largest and most influential country in the Arab world” who can therefore pull democracy in the region, in one direction... or another. Thirdly, this visit has a significant economic aspect. North Africa is today one of the regions of the world economically dynamic" And the democratization of Egypt could give Europe and the Mediterranean region a particularly dynamic perspective”. Finally, it contributes to build the identity and the role that the European Union intends to play”. This visit therefore does not concern not only Egypt but us too” he summarizes. " The most important thing about this visit is to be able to build a strong Egyptian-European relationship and a relationship with the whole region. ».

A Constitution closely followed

The EU's discussions with Egypt will first of all concern the country's future fundamental text: the Constitution. What Europe hopes strong, respectful of human rights for a strong democracy”. Work that seems to be continuing in the right direction. " I have been in contact with people close to the drafting of the Constitution. And I can tell you that it is going in the right direction” confirms our diplomat. Must be “Cautious though. We can end up with a text that is contrary to fundamental rights, or with human rights that are less developed than desired.. (...) But what we hear about relations between religion and the state, about the army, about human rights seems positive to us for the moment.. The European Union and the international community will however continue to follow this Constitution closely, making it a condition of cooperation.

For Europe, an important first step has already been taken: power has been entrusted to a civilian government. " We have seen Morsi take important decisions to regain the country's judicial powers, including the replacement of a number of military leaders. These decisions very likely show that Morsi will use his powers with restriction. says the senior diplomat. " What I see from the work he is doing is that he will continue to engage in democratic reforms" in "building a strong democracy with strong institutions and will not concentrate power around him.

No Arabian winter

«Nobody said it's gonna be easy. " Corn - he adds - “I don't think the Arab Spring is going to turn into the Arab Winter, as some are predicting. (...) JI haven't seen anything to suggest a change in the nature of the transition ". An analysis that may seem optimistic. “II'm only optimistic by nature» replies our man. Certainly for Egypt, the challenges are enormous, economically and politically. But people feel reassured today ».

Europe economically involved

The establishment of the Task Force “reflects the European desire to be alongside Egypt economically”. Europe is thus involved in the process led by the International Monetary Fund. She will be one of the biggest lenders (in the country) and one of the most caring lawyers. This IMF loan – we are talking about an amount of 3,8 billion now instead of 3,2 billion – will be accompanied by additional actions on the part of the EU. " Egypt will need twice as much, possibly more than $10 billion.On the European side, we are well aware that the Egyptian economy is larger than the Jordanian or Tunisian economy. It means that " the end result will have to be more important in the numbers”.

On trade, developments could occur. The association agreement, signed in 2004, with Egypt, enabled the country to increase its trade with Europe. considerably ». “We can do more. This will only give Egypt more access to the European market and allow it to develop its capacities. »

A commitment to safety

Europe is also carefully observing the commitment of the Egyptian president to the Syrian conflict, particularly through the Iran/Saudi Arabia/Turkey/Egypt quartet. It is " very important for all regional actors to see President Morsi and Egypt get involved in the resolution of the Syrian conflict. This commitment can only be positive and can only help to pacify the situation, which remains the first European objective". “Srecent statements, particularly in Iran, show his interest, and above all, show new ideas". And the European Union is willing to contribute to the new Egypt playing an important role in the region vis-à-vis Syria».

Another important point for Europe is the security of Christians in the country. " IEU has reiterated the importance of this issue on different occasionsBut President Morsi himself expressed the importance of this issue to him. " When High Representative C. Ashton visited him in July, it was Morsi himself who raised the issue ". And Europe is ready to support any action that goes in this direction.

Read also (on the Club, reserved for subscribers): Asset recovery, sensitive point of Morsi's visit

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