[Text] The NATO Strategic Concept – 1999 Version

Apr 4, 1999

The Strategic Concept of the Alliance

endorsed by Heads of State and Government attending the meeting of the North Atlantic Council held in Washington on 23 and 24 April 1999


  1. At their summit meeting in Washington in April 1999, NATO Heads of State and Government endorsed the Alliance's new Strategic Concept.
  2. NATO succeeded in ensuring the freedom of its members and preventing war in Europe during forty years of the Cold War. By combining defense and dialogue, it has played an indispensable role in ending the East-West confrontation in a peaceful manner. The dramatic changes brought to the Euro-Atlantic strategic landscape by the end of the Cold War were reflected in the Strategic Concept adopted by the Alliance in 1991. However, since then there have been other profound changes in the situation. politics and security.
  3. The dangers of the Cold War have been replaced by more promising but also challenging prospects, as well as new opportunities and risks. A new, more integrated Europe is emerging, and a Euro-Atlantic security structure is developing in which NATO plays a central role. The Alliance is at the heart of efforts to establish new forms of cooperation and mutual understanding across the Euro-Atlantic area, and is committed to essential new activities contributing to broader stability. . It shows the depth of this commitment through its efforts to end the immense human suffering caused by the conflict in the Balkans. The years since the end of the Cold War have also been marked by important developments in the field of arms control, a process to which the Alliance is fully committed. The Alliance's role in these positive developments was based on the complete adaptation of its approach to security and of its structures and procedures. However, the past ten years have also seen the emergence of complex new risks to Euro-Atlantic peace and stability, risks linked to oppressive policies, ethnic conflicts, economic stagnation, the collapse of the political order, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
  4. The Alliance has an indispensable role to play in consolidating and preserving the positive changes of the recent past, and in addressing current and future security challenges. She therefore has a demanding schedule. It must safeguard common security interests in an environment that continues to evolve, often unpredictably. It must maintain collective defense and strengthen the transatlantic bond, and ensure a balance that allows European Allies to assume greater responsibility. It must deepen its relations with its partners and prepare for the accession of new members. Above all, it must retain the political will and the military means required by all of its various missions.
  5. This new Strategic Concept will guide the Alliance in implementing this agenda. It describes the enduring nature and purpose of NATO and its core security tasks, identifies the central elements of the new security environment and the components of its comprehensive approach to security, and provides guidance for further adaptation of its military forces.

Part I - The Purpose and Tasks of the Alliance

  1. The essential and unchanging objective of the Alliance, as set out in the Washington Treaty, is to safeguard the freedom and security of all its members by political and military means. Based on the common values ​​of democracy, human rights and the rule of law, the Alliance has worked since its creation to ensure a just and lasting peaceful order in Europe. She will continue on this path. The achievement of this purpose may be jeopardized by crises and conflicts affecting the security of the Euro-Atlantic area. This is why the Alliance not only ensures the defense of its members but contributes to peace and stability in this region.
  2. The Alliance embodies the transatlantic partnership that establishes a permanent link between the security of North America and the security of Europe. It is the concrete expression of an effective collective effort aimed at defending the common interests of its members.
  3. The fundamental principle that guides the Alliance is that of common commitment and mutual cooperation between sovereign States, in the service of the indivisibility of the security of all its members. Solidarity and cohesion within the Alliance, which is ensured by day-to-day cooperation in both political and military fields, ensures that no Allied country is forced to rely solely on its own efforts to respond to major security challenges. Without taking anything away from the right and the duty of its members to assume their responsibilities as sovereign States in matters of defence, the Alliance enables them, through a collective effort, to achieve their essential national security objectives.
  4. The feeling that the members of the Alliance thus have of benefiting from an equal level of security, whatever the differences in situation or military capabilities, contributes to stability in the Euro-Atlantic area. The Alliance does not seek these advantages for its members alone, but is committed to creating favorable conditions for the development of partnership, cooperation and dialogue with third countries which share its major political objectives.
  5. To achieve its essential objective, as an Alliance of countries bound by the Washington Treaty and the Charter of the United Nations, the Alliance performs the following fundamental security tasks:Security: To provide one of the indispensable foundations for a stable Euro-Atlantic security environment, based on the development of democratic institutions and a commitment to settle disputes peacefully, and in which no country would be able to resort to intimidation or coercion against another country through the threat or use of force.Consulting: In accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of the Washington Treaty, to constitute an essential transatlantic forum where the Allies can consult each other on any question affecting their vital interests, in particular in the event of events representing a risk for their security, and to coordinate of their efforts in areas of common interest.Deterrence and defence: Exercise a function of deterrence and defense against any threat of aggression against any NATO country, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 5 and 6 of the Washington Treaty.

    And in order to strengthen the security and stability of the Euro-Atlantic area:

    • Crisis management: Stand ready, on a case-by-case basis and by consensus, in accordance with Article 7 of the Washington Treaty, to contribute to the effective prevention of conflicts and to engage actively in crisis management, including response operations to crises.
    • Partnership : Promote broad relations of partnership, cooperation and dialogue with other countries in the Euro-Atlantic area, with a view to increasing transparency, mutual trust and the capacity for joint action with the Alliance.
  6. In pursuing its purpose and fulfilling its fundamental security tasks, the Alliance will continue to respect the legitimate security interests of others, and to promote the peaceful settlement of disputes in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations. It will encourage the development of peaceful and friendly international relations, and it will support democratic institutions. The Alliance does not consider itself the adversary of any country.

Part II - Strategic Perspectives

A Changing Strategic Environment

  1. The Alliance operates in a constantly changing environment. Developments in recent years have been generally positive, but there are still risks and uncertainties that can lead to serious crises. In this changing context, NATO has made a vital contribution to strengthening Euro-Atlantic security since the end of the Cold War. Its growing political role, its intensified political and military partnership, cooperation and dialogue with other States, including with Russia, Ukraine, and countries participating in the Mediterranean Dialogue, the maintenance of its policy of openness to the accession of new members, its collaboration with other international organisations, its attachment, illustrated for example in the Balkans, to conflict prevention and crisis management, in particular through peace support operations, are all testimonies of its determination to shape its security environment and to strengthen peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area.
  2. At the same time, NATO has been able to adapt to be better able to contribute to peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area. Internal reforms have included the adoption of a new command structure, including the concept of Combined Joint Task Forces, the establishment of arrangements for the rapid deployment of forces for the full range of Alliance missions, and building the European Security and Defense Identity (ESDI) within the Alliance.
  3. The United Nations, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the European Union (EU) and the Western European Union (WEU) have made specific contributions to security and stability Euro-Atlantic. Mutually reinforcing organizations have become a central part of the security environment.
  4. The United Nations Security Council bears primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security and, as such, plays a crucial role in contributing to security and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area.
  5. The OSCE, as a regional arrangement, is Europe's largest security organization, also comprising Canada and the United States, and plays a vital role in fostering peace and stability. , strengthen cooperative security, and promote democracy and human rights in Europe. The OSCE is particularly active in the areas of preventive diplomacy, conflict prevention, crisis management and post-conflict recovery. NATO and the OSCE have established close practical cooperation, particularly with regard to international action to bring peace to the former Yugoslavia.
  6. The European Union has taken important decisions and given new impetus to its efforts to strengthen its security and defense dimension. This process will have implications for the Alliance as a whole, and all European Allies should be involved, on the basis of arrangements developed by NATO and WEU. The development of a common foreign and security policy (CFSP) includes the progressive definition of a common defense policy. Such a policy, as provided for in the Amsterdam Treaty, would be compatible with the common security and defense policy adopted under the Washington Treaty. Important steps taken in this context have included the inclusion of the tasks defined by WEU at Petersberg in the Treaty on European Union and the establishment of closer institutional relations with WEU.
  7. As affirmed in the 1994 Summit Declaration and reaffirmed in Berlin in 1996, NATO fully supports the development of the European Security and Defense Identity within the Alliance by making available its assets and capabilities for WEU-led operations. With this in mind, the Alliance and WEU have established close relations with each other and have put in place key elements of the ESDI as agreed in Berlin. In order to strengthen peace and stability in Europe and in a wider context, the European Allies are developing their possibilities of action, in particular by increasing their military capabilities. The increased security and defense responsibilities and capabilities of European Allies strengthen the Alliance's security environment.
  8. The stability, transparency, predictability, lower arms levels and verification measures that can flow from arms control and non-proliferation agreements support the political and military efforts of the NATO to achieve its strategic objectives. The Allies have played a major role in enabling the significant results that have been recorded in this area. These results include the strengthening of stability brought about by the CFE Treaty, the substantial reductions in nuclear armaments made possible by the START treaties, the signing of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, the indefinite and unconditional extension of the Treaty on the Non- proliferation of nuclear weapons, the accession to this Treaty of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine as non-nuclear-weapon States, and the entry into force of the Chemical Weapons Convention. The Ottawa Convention banning anti-personnel mines and similar agreements make an important contribution to alleviating human suffering. Further advances are foreseeable in conventional arms control, and also with regard to nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) weapons.

Security Challenges and Risks

  1. Despite the positive evolution of the strategic environment and the fact that a large-scale conventional aggression directed against the Alliance is highly unlikely, the possibility of the appearance of such a long-term threat exists. Alliance security remains exposed to a wide variety of military and non-military risks, which come from many directions and are often difficult to predict. These risks include uncertainty and instability in and around the Euro-Atlantic area, and the possibility of rapidly evolving regional crises occurring on the periphery of the Alliance. Some countries in and around the Euro-Atlantic region are facing serious economic, social and political difficulties. Ethnic and religious rivalries, territorial disputes, inadequate or failed reform efforts, human rights violations and the dissolution of states can lead to local and even regional instability. The resulting tensions could lead to crises jeopardizing Euro-Atlantic stability, cause human suffering, and provoke armed conflicts. Such conflicts could affect the security of the Alliance, for example by spreading to neighboring countries, including NATO countries, and could also affect the security of other states.
  2. The existence of powerful nuclear forces outside the Alliance is another important factor that the Alliance must take into account in order to maintain security and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area.
  3. The proliferation of NBC weapons and their means of delivery remains a matter of grave concern. Despite welcome progress in strengthening international non-proliferation regimes, major proliferation challenges remain. The Alliance recognizes that proliferation can occur despite efforts to prevent it and that it can pose a direct military threat to Allied populations, territory and forces. Certain States, located in particular on the periphery of the NATO area and in other regions, sell or acquire or try to acquire NBC weapons and their means of delivery. Materials and technology that can be used to produce these weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery are becoming more widespread, while detecting and preventing the illicit trade in these materials and know-how remains difficult. Actors other than states have shown that they have the potential to create and use some of these weapons.
  4. The global diffusion of technologies that can be used for the production of weapons can lead to the greater availability of sophisticated military capabilities, which would allow adversaries to acquire highly capable offensive and defensive air, ground and naval systems, cruise missiles and other advanced weapons. In addition, adversarial states and non-state adversaries may attempt to exploit the Alliance's growing reliance on information systems by conducting operations designed to disrupt the functioning of these systems. They might try to use such strategies to oppose NATO's superiority in traditional armaments.
  5. Any armed attack against Allied territory, from whatever direction, would be covered by Articles 5 and 6 of the Washington Treaty. However, Alliance security must also be seen in a global context. The security interests of the Alliance may be jeopardized by other more general risks, including acts of terrorism, sabotage and organized crime, and by the disruption of supplies of vital resources. Large uncontrolled population movements, particularly resulting from armed conflicts, can also pose problems for the security and stability of the Alliance. Arrangements exist within the Alliance which allow Member States to consult each other in accordance with Article 4 of the Washington Treaty and, where necessary, to coordinate their efforts, particularly in the face of risks of this nature.

Part III - The Approach to Security in the XNUMXst Century

  1. The Alliance is committed to a comprehensive approach to security, which recognizes the importance of political, economic, social and environmental factors in addition to the essential defense dimension. It relies on this comprehensive approach to carry out its fundamental security tasks effectively, and to make an increasing effort to develop effective cooperative relations with other European and Euro-Atlantic organizations as well as with the United Nations. Our collective aim is to establish a European security architecture in which the Alliance's contribution to the security and stability of the Euro-Atlantic area and the contribution of these other international organizations complement and reinforce each other, both in deepening relations between Euro-Atlantic countries and in crisis management. NATO remains the essential forum for consultation between the Allies and the forum where they agree on policies affecting their security and defense commitments under the Washington Treaty.
  2. The Alliance seeks to preserve peace and strengthen Euro-Atlantic security and stability in several ways: by preserving the transatlantic bond; maintaining effective military capabilities sufficient to provide deterrence and defense and to fulfill the full range of its missions; by developing the European Security and Defense Identity within the Alliance; maintaining the overall capacity to manage crises successfully; by remaining open to new memberships; and pursuing partnership, cooperation and dialogue with other countries as part of its cooperative approach to Euro-Atlantic security, including in the area of ​​arms control and disarmament.

The Transatlantic Link

  1. NATO is committed to a strong and dynamic partnership between Europe and North America, supporting their shared values ​​and interests. The security of Europe and that of North America are indivisible. Thus, the Alliance's commitment to the indispensable transatlantic link and to the collective defense of its members is of fundamental importance for its credibility as well as for the security and stability of the Euro-Atlantic region.

Maintaining the Alliance's Military Capabilities

  1. The maintenance of adequate military capability and a demonstrated will to act collectively for common defense remain essential to the achievement of the Alliance's security objectives. Such potential, as well as political solidarity, remains essential if the Alliance is to prevent any attempt at coercion or intimidation, and to ensure that military aggression against it cannot at any time be perceived as an option offering any prospect of success.
  2. The existence of effective military capabilities in all foreseeable circumstances is also fundamental to enable the Alliance to contribute to conflict prevention and crisis management through non-Article 5 crisis response operations. These missions can be highly demanding and require the same political and military qualities - cohesion, multinational training, extensive pre-planning work, etc. - than those that would be essential in an Article 5 situation. Therefore, while they may impose specific requirements, they will nevertheless be dealt with under a common set of allied structures and procedures.

The European Security and Defense Identity

  1. The Alliance, on which the collective defense of its members rests, and through which common security objectives will be pursued whenever possible, remains committed to a balanced and dynamic transatlantic partnership. The European Allies have taken decisions that will enable them to assume greater responsibilities in the fields of security and defence, in order to strengthen peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area and, thus, the security of all the allies. Based on the decisions the Alliance took in Berlin in 1996 and thereafter, the European security and defense identity will continue to be developed within NATO. This process will require close cooperation between NATO, WEU and, where appropriate, the European Union. It will enable all European Allies to make a more coherent and effective contribution to the missions and activities of the Alliance as an expression of our shared responsibilities; it will strengthen the transatlantic partnership, and it will help the European Allies to act themselves as required because the Alliance is ready to make its assets and capabilities available, on a case-by-case basis and by consensus, for operations in which it would not be engaged militarily and which would be carried out under the political control and strategic direction provided either by WEU or in any other agreed way, taking into account the full participation of all European Allies, if they a choice in this direction.

Conflict Prevention and Crisis Management

  1. Pursuing its policy of maintaining peace, preventing war, and enhancing security and stability, and as foreseen in the fundamental security tasks, NATO will endeavour, in cooperation with other organizations , to prevent conflicts or, if a crisis does arise, to contribute to its effective management, in accordance with international law, which includes the possibility of conducting non-Article 5 crisis response operations. The fact that the Alliance's readiness to conduct such operations supports the broader objective of strengthening and extending stability, and often involves the participation of NATO Partners. NATO recalls its offer, made in Brussels in 1994, to support, on a case-by-case basis and according to its own procedures, peacekeeping operations and other operations carried out under the authority of the United Nations Security Council or under responsibility of the OSCE, including by making available the Alliance's resources and expertise. In this context, NATO recalls its subsequent decisions regarding crisis response operations in the Balkans. Given the need for solidarity and cohesion within the Alliance, participation in any operation or mission of this nature will remain subject to decisions to be taken by Member States in accordance with their national constitutions.
  2. NATO will make full use of partnership, cooperation and dialogue and its links with other organizations to help prevent crises and, should they occur, to defuse them rapidly. A coherent approach to crisis management will require, like any use of force by the Alliance, that the political authorities of the Alliance choose and coordinate appropriate responses from a range of measures, both political and military, and that they exercise close political control at all stages.

Partnership, Cooperation and Dialogue

  1. Through the active pursuit of partnership, cooperation and dialogue, the Alliance plays a positive role in promoting security and stability throughout the Euro-Atlantic area. Through its policy of openness, it seeks to preserve peace, support and promote democracy, contribute to prosperity and progress, and foster a genuine partnership with and between all democratic Euro-Atlantic countries. This action aims to strengthen the security of all, excludes no one, and helps to overcome divisions and disagreements that could lead to instability and conflict.
  2. The Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) will remain the general forum for consultation on all aspects of cooperation with NATO Partners. It offers a broader political dimension for consultation and cooperation. The consultations that take place there increase transparency and trust between its members on security issues, contribute to conflict prevention and crisis management, and develop practical cooperation activities, particularly in the field of civil planning. emergency as in those of science and the environment.
  3. Partnership for Peace is the principal mechanism for establishing practical security links between the Alliance and its Partners and for enhancing interoperability between Partners and NATO. Through comprehensive programs that reflect each Partner's unique capabilities and interests, Allies and Partners work to promote transparency in national defense plans and budgets, democratic control of defense forces, disaster preparedness civil and other emergencies, and developing the ability to work together, including in NATO-led PfP operations. The Alliance is committed to giving Partners a greater role in decision-making and planning of PfP activities, and to make PfP more operational. NATO will consult with any active participant in the Partnership which finds the existence of a direct threat to its territorial integrity, political independence or security.
  4. Russia plays a unique role in Euro-Atlantic security. Under the NATO-Russia Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security, NATO and Russia are committed to developing their relationship on the basis of common interest, reciprocity and transparency, with a view to establishing a lasting and inclusive peace in the Euro-Atlantic region, based on the principles of democracy and cooperative security. NATO and Russia have agreed to give concrete expression to their common commitment to building a stable, peaceful and undivided Europe. The existence, between them, of a strong, stable and lasting partnership is essential to the establishment in the Euro-Atlantic region of a stability that can be perpetuated.
  5. Ukraine occupies a special place in the Euro-Atlantic security environment; it is an important partner, whose contribution is very useful, for the promotion of stability and common democratic values. NATO is determined to further strengthen, on the basis of the NATO-Ukraine Charter, its distinctive partnership with Ukraine, including political consultations on matters of common interest and a wide range of practical cooperation activities. The Alliance continues to support Ukraine's sovereignty and independence, territorial integrity, democratic development and economic prosperity, as well as its status as a non-nuclear-weapon state, which are essential factors in stability and security in Central and Eastern Europe and in Europe as a whole.
  6. The Mediterranean is a region of particular interest to the Alliance. Security in Europe is closely linked to security and stability in the Mediterranean. The Mediterranean Dialogue process, initiated by NATO, is an integral part of NATO's cooperative approach to security. It provides a framework for building trust, promotes transparency and cooperation in the region, and reinforces and is reinforced by other actions carried out at the international level. The Alliance is determined to gradually develop the political, civil and military aspects of the Dialogue with a view to achieving closer cooperation with its Dialogue Partners and to fostering their more active engagement.


  1. The Alliance remains open to new members in accordance with Article 10 of the Washington Treaty. It intends, in the years to come, to extend further invitations to countries willing and able to assume the responsibilities and obligations of membership, and once NATO determines that the inclusion of these countries would serve overall political and strategic interests of the Alliance, increase its effectiveness and cohesion, and strengthen European security and stability in general. To this end, NATO has developed a program of activities designed to help countries aspiring to become members to prepare for possible future membership within the general context of its relations with them. No democratic European country whose admission would meet the objectives of the Treaty will be excluded from the review process.

Arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation

  1. The Alliance's policy of supporting arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation will continue to play a major role in achieving the Alliance's security objectives. Allies seek to enhance security and stability at the lowest achievable level of forces while maintaining the Alliance's ability to provide collective defense and accomplish the full range of its missions. As an important part of its overall approach to security, the Alliance will continue to ensure that defense and arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation objectives remain in harmony. It will continue to contribute actively to the development of agreements on arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation, as well as confidence- and security-building measures. The Allies place great importance on the specific role they play in fostering a broader, more comprehensive and more verifiable international arms control and disarmament process. The Alliance will step up its political efforts to reduce the risks arising from the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery. The primary goal of the Alliance and its members in the area of ​​non-proliferation is to prevent proliferation or, if it occurs, to reverse it through diplomatic means. The Alliance attaches great importance to the continued validity and full implementation by all parties of the provisions of the CFE Treaty, as an essential element in ensuring the stability of the Euro-Atlantic area.

Part IV - Guidance for Alliance Forces

Principles of Alliance Strategy

  1. The Alliance will retain the military capabilities necessary to fulfill the full range of NATO missions. The principles of allied solidarity and strategic unity remain essential for the accomplishment of these missions. Alliance forces must safeguard NATO's military effectiveness and freedom of action. The security of all Allies is indivisible: an attack on one is an attack on all. With regard to collective defense under Article 5 of the Washington Treaty, the combined military forces of the Alliance must be able to deter any potential aggression directed against it, to halt the advance of an aggressor as far forward as possible, should an attack nevertheless occur, and to ensure the political independence and territorial integrity of its Member States. They must also be ready to contribute to conflict prevention and to conduct non-Article 5 crisis response operations. Alliance forces have a key role to play in promoting understanding and cooperation with NATO Partners and other states, including helping Partners prepare for potential participation in NATO-led PfP operations. Thus, they contribute to the preservation of peace, to the safeguarding of the common security interests of the members of the Alliance, and to the maintenance of the security and stability of the Euro-Atlantic area. By discouraging the use of NBC weapons, they contribute to Alliance efforts to prevent the proliferation of these weapons and their means of delivery.
  2. The equitable sharing of roles, risks and responsibilities, as well as benefits, of common defense is essential to the achievement of Alliance objectives. The presence of conventional forces and American nuclear forces in Europe remains essential for the security of this continent, which is inextricably linked to that of North America. The North American Allies contribute to the Alliance by making military forces available for the accomplishment of its missions, by contributing in a broader context to international peace and security, and by providing unique workouts available on the North American continent. European Allies also make substantial contributions in a wide variety of areas. As the process of ESDI development within the Alliance progresses, European Allies will further enhance their contribution to common defense and international peace and stability through multinational formations.
  3. The principle of collective effort for the defense of the Alliance is embodied in practical arrangements which bring to the Allies the primary political, military and resource advantages of collective defence, and which prevent a return to purely national defense policies, without depriving the Allies of their sovereignty. These arrangements also enable NATO forces to conduct non-Article 5 crisis response operations and are a prerequisite for a coherent Alliance response to all possible situations. They are based on consultation procedures, an integrated military structure and cooperation agreements. Key elements include collective force plans, common funding, common operational plans, multinational formation, headquarters and command arrangements, an integrated air defense system, a balance of roles and responsibilities between the Allies, the stationing and deployment of forces outside their national territory when necessary, arrangements, including planning, for crisis management and reinforcement, common standards and procedures for equipment , training and logistics, joint and multinational doctrines and exercises as required, and cooperation in infrastructure, armaments and logistics. The inclusion of NATO Partners in such arrangements, or the development of similar arrangements for them, in appropriate areas, also contributes to enhanced cooperation and joint efforts on issues related to Euro-Atlantic security. .
  4. Multinational funding, including through the military budget and the NATO Security Investment Programme, will continue to play an important role in acquiring and sustaining the necessary assets and capabilities. Resource management must be guided by the evolving military needs of the Alliance.
  5. NATO supports the further development of ESDI within the Alliance, including by being ready to provide assets and capabilities for operations conducted under the political control and strategic direction of either the WEU, or as otherwise agreed.
  6. To protect peace and prevent war or any form of coercion, the Alliance will for the foreseeable future maintain an appropriate mix of nuclear and conventional forces based in Europe and maintained where necessary, although must be the minimum sufficient level. Given the diversity of risks it could face, the Alliance must retain the forces necessary to provide credible deterrence and be able to choose between a wide range of conventional responses. But its conventional forces alone cannot provide credible deterrence. Nuclear weapons make a unique contribution by making the risks of aggression against the Alliance incalculable and unacceptable. They therefore remain essential to the maintenance of peace.

The Alliance Forces Disposition

The missions of the military forces of the Alliance

  1. The military forces of the Alliance have the primary role of protecting peace and guaranteeing the territorial integrity, political independence and security of member states. They must therefore be able to provide effective deterrence and defence, to maintain or restore the territorial integrity of allied countries and - in the event of conflict - to end the war quickly, by causing an aggressor to reconsider his decision, to cease its attack and withdraw. NATO forces must retain the capability to provide collective defense while conducting effective non-Article 5 crisis response operations.
  2. Maintaining the security and stability of the Euro-Atlantic area is of paramount importance. An important objective of the Alliance and its forces is to avert risks by responding quickly to potential crises. In the event of a crisis endangering Euro-Atlantic stability and potentially harming the security of Alliance members, Allied military forces could be called upon to conduct crisis response operations. They could also be called upon to contribute to the preservation of international peace and security by conducting operations in support of other international organizations, complementing and reinforcing political actions within the framework of a global approach to security.
  3. In contributing to crisis management through military operations, Alliance forces will have to deal with a more complex and diverse set of actors, risks, situations and demands, including humanitarian emergencies. Some non-Article 5 crisis response operations may be as demanding as some collective defense missions. Well-trained and well-equipped forces of adequate readiness and in sufficient numbers to deal with the full range of possible situations, as well as support structures, planning tools and command and control capabilities appropriate, are essential to enable effective military contributions to be made. The Alliance should also be prepared to support, on the basis of separable but not separate capabilities, operations conducted under the political control and strategic direction provided either by WEU or in any other agreed manner. The potential participation of Partner and other non-NATO countries in NATO-led operations as well as possible operations with Russia would be further valuable elements of NATO's contribution to the management of crises involving Euro-Atlantic security.
  4. Alliance military forces also contribute to promoting stability throughout the Euro-Atlantic area through their participation in military-to-military contacts and other Partnership for Peace cooperation and exercises. peace, in addition to those organized to deepen NATO's relations with Russia, Ukraine and the countries participating in the Mediterranean Dialogue. They contribute to stability and understanding by participating in confidence-building activities, including those that increase transparency and improve communication, as well as the verification of arms control agreements and operations humanitarian demining. Key areas of consultation and cooperation could include: training and exercises, interoperability, civil-military relations, concept and doctrine development, defense planning, crisis management, proliferation issues, armaments and participation in operational planning and operations.

Guidelines for Alliance force posture

  1. In order for the Alliance to fulfill its fundamental security tasks and apply the principles of its strategy, it is necessary to continue adapting its forces so that they can respond effectively to the demands of the full range of Alliance missions. and meet future challenges. The Allied force disposition, relying on the strengths of the different defense structures of the countries, will conform to the orientations presented in the following paragraphs.
  2. The size, level of readiness and readiness, and deployment of Alliance military forces will reflect its commitment to collective defense and to the conduct of crisis response operations, sometimes on short notice, away from their national bases. , including beyond Allied territory. The characteristics of Alliance forces will also take into account the provisions of relevant arms control agreements. These forces must be sufficient in number and capability to deter and repel aggression against any of the Allies. They must be interoperable, and have the appropriate doctrines and technologies. They must be maintained at the required level of readiness and deployability and be capable of achieving military success in a wide range of complex joint and multinational operations, which may also involve partner nations and other non-member nations. NATO.
  3. This means in particular:
    1. that the overall size of Allied forces will be kept to minimum levels compatible with the needs of collective defense and other Alliance missions; they will be held at an appropriate and graduated level of preparation;
    2. that the geographical distribution of forces in peacetime will ensure an adequate military presence throughout the territory of the Alliance, including the stationing and deployment of forces outside national territory and national waters and the deployment of forces outside before, where and when it will be necessary. Regional considerations, in particular geo-strategic elements, which exist within the Alliance will have to be taken into account, since instabilities on the periphery of the NATO area may lead to crises or conflicts requiring a military response from the Alliance, with potentially short warning times;
    3. that the NATO command structure will be capable of command and control of the full range of Alliance military missions, including through the use of multinational and joint deployable HQs, in particular CJTF, for the command and control of multinational and joint forces. It will also be capable of supporting operations conducted under the political control and strategic direction provided either by WEU or as otherwise agreed, thus contributing to the development of ESDI within the Alliance, and to conduct NATO-led non-Article 5 crisis response operations in which Partner and other countries may participate;
    4. that, in general, the Alliance will need, both in the short term and in the long term, and for the full range of its missions, to possess essential operational capabilities such as effective combat capability, deployability and mobility; the survivability of forces and infrastructure; and sustainability, which includes logistics and rotation of forces. To maximize these capabilities for multinational operations, it will be important to ensure interoperability, including at the human level, to use appropriate advanced technology, to maintain information superiority in operations military, and to have highly qualified multi-skilled personnel. The existence of sufficient capabilities in the areas of command, control and communications as well as intelligence and surveillance will contribute to the effectiveness of the forces;
    5. that at any time a limited but militarily significant proportion of land, air and naval forces will be able to react with the necessary rapidity to a wide range of situations, including a short-notice attack on any Ally. More force elements will be available at appropriate levels of readiness to support sustained operations, inside or outside Alliance territory, including through the rotation of deployed forces. Together, these forces will also need to be of sufficient quality, quantity and readiness to contribute to deterrence and to defend against limited attacks on the Alliance;
    6. that the Alliance must be able to field larger forces, both to respond to fundamental changes in the security environment and to meet limited needs, by reinforcement, by mobilizing reserves, or by reconstitution of forces, when necessary. This capability must be commensurate with potential threats to Alliance security, including potential long-term developments. It must take into account the possibility of substantial improvements in the preparation and capabilities of military forces present on the periphery of the Alliance. Reinforcement and timely resupply capabilities, both in and from Europe and North America, will remain of paramount importance, hence the need for a high degree of deployability, mobility and flexibility;
    7. that appropriate force structures and procedures, including those that would allow forces to be increased, deployed and reduced in a rapid and selective manner, are necessary to ensure measured, flexible and timely responses to reduce and defuse tensions. These provisions must be regularly tested during exercises in peacetime;
    8. that the Alliance's defense posture must be able to deal appropriately and effectively with the risks linked to the proliferation of NBC weapons and their means of delivery, which also represent a potential threat to the populations, territory and forces of the Allies. A balanced combination of forces, response capabilities and strengthened defenses is required;
    9. that Alliance forces and infrastructure must be protected against terrorist attacks.

Characteristics of conventional forces

  1. It is essential that the ability of Allies' military forces to fulfill the full range of Alliance missions is truly credible. This imperative has implications for force structures, force and equipment levels, readiness and readiness and sustainability, training and exercises, deployment and employment options, and the ability to build larger forces and mobilize forces. The best possible balance should be sought between: forces with a high level of readiness, capable of starting quickly, and immediately if necessary, collective defense operations or crisis response operations not covered by Article 5; forces of lower and variable readiness, which will constitute the bulk of the forces needed to ensure collective defense or to allow rotation of forces to support crisis response operations, or to further reinforce elements in place in such a region; and a longer-term capability to build and supplement forces for the worst-case, albeit very remote, scenario of large-scale collective defense operations. A substantial proportion of Alliance forces will be capable of fulfilling more than one of these roles.
  2. Allied forces will be structured to reflect the multinational and joint nature of Alliance missions. The essential tasks will consist in particular in controlling, protecting and defending a territory, ensuring the unhindered use of sea, air and land lines of communication, ensuring control of maritime space, protecting the deployment of on-board deterrents of the Alliance, to conduct independent and multinational air operations, to provide a secure air environment and effective extended air defence, surveillance, intelligence, reconnaissance and electronic warfare, strategic transport, as well as establish effective and flexible command and control facilities, including deployable joint and multinational headquarters.
  3. The Alliance's defenses against the risks and potential threats of proliferation of NBC weapons and their means of delivery must continue to be improved, including through work on missile defence. Given that the forces of the Alliance may be called upon to operate beyond the borders of the NATO area, it is necessary to have flexible, mobile, rapidly deployable means capable of sustaining prolonged operations, to deal with proliferation risks. Doctrines and plans, as well as training and exercise policies, must also prepare the Alliance to provide deterrence and defense against the use of NBC weapons. The aim is to further reduce the operational vulnerabilities of NATO military forces, while preserving their flexibility and effectiveness despite the presence, threat or use of NBC weapons.
  4. The Alliance's strategy does not involve any means of chemical or biological warfare. Allies support universal adherence to applicable disarmament regimes. However, even if further progress can be made on the prohibition of chemical and biological weapons, defensive precautionary measures will still be essential.
  5. Given the reduction in overall force levels as well as the limitation of resources, the ability to work closely together will remain essential to the accomplishment of the Alliance's missions. The collective defense arrangements of the Alliance, in which, for the countries concerned, the integrated military structure plays the key role, are essential in this respect. The various elements of NATO's defense planning process must be effectively coordinated at all levels to ensure the readiness of forces and support structures for all of their various roles. Exchanges of information between the Allies about their force plans also help to ensure the availability of the capabilities necessary to carry out these roles. It also remains essential to carry out consultations in the event of significant changes in the defense plans of the countries. Cooperation in establishing new operational concepts will be essential to meet evolving security challenges. The detailed practical arrangements that have been developed within the framework of the ESDI within the Alliance promote close Allied cooperation, without creating unnecessary duplication of assets and capabilities.
  6. In order to be able to adapt to all possible circumstances and carry out its missions effectively, the Alliance needs sufficient logistical capacities - including in the field of transport - medical aid and stocks to deploy and support all types of forces with efficiency. Standardization will promote cooperation and financial efficiency when providing logistical support to allied forces. The mounting and sustained conduct of operations outside of Allied territory, where host nation support may be limited or non-existent, will pose particular logistical challenges. The ability to build larger, properly equipped and trained forces in a timely manner, to a level capable of carrying out the full range of Alliance missions, will also be an essential asset for crisis management and defence. This will include the ability to reinforce any region that is in danger and to establish a multinational presence where and when needed. Forces of various types and levels of readiness may be employed flexibly for intra-European or transatlantic reinforcement. This will require mastery of lines of communication, as well as appropriate arrangements for support and drills.
  7. The interaction between Alliance forces and the civilian environment (governmental or not) in which they operate is essential to the success of operations. Civil-military cooperation is based on a relationship of interdependence: civil authorities increasingly need military means, while at the same time it is important for the civil sector to provide support for military operations in the areas of logistics, communications, medical support and public affairs. Cooperation between the Alliance's military and civilian bodies will therefore remain essential.
  8. The Alliance's ability to accomplish the full range of its missions will increasingly depend on the use of multinational forces to complement national contributions to NATO for the Allies concerned. The existence of such forces, which are usable for the full range of Alliance missions, demonstrates the Alliance's resolve to maintain a credible collective defence, increases its cohesion, strengthens the transatlantic partnership and consolidates the ESDI within of the Alliance. Multinational forces, especially those capable of rapidly deploying to implement collective defense or to conduct non-Article 5 crisis response operations, enhance solidarity. They can also offer the possibility of deploying more efficient formations than would perhaps be the case with purely national elements, thus contributing to a more efficient use of the limited resources which are available for defence. This may require a highly integrated multinational approach to specific tasks and functions, an approach that provides the basis for implementing the CJTF concept. In peace support operations, effective multinational formations and other arrangements involving Partners will be very helpful. To fully exploit the potential offered by multinational formations, it is essential to improve interoperability, in particular through sufficient training and exercises.

Characteristics of nuclear forces

  1. The fundamental objective of the Allies' nuclear forces is political: to preserve peace and prevent coercion and all forms of war. They will continue to play a vital role in keeping any aggressor in doubt as to how the Allies would respond to military aggression. They demonstrate that aggression in any form is not a rational option. The supreme guarantee of the security of the Allies is provided by the strategic nuclear forces of the Alliance, in particular those of the United States; the independent nuclear forces of the United Kingdom and France, which have their own deterrence role, contribute to the overall deterrence and to the security of the Allies.
  2. The credibility of the Alliance's nuclear posture and the demonstration of the solidarity of its members as well as their common will to prevent war always require that the European Allies involved in collective defense planning participate extensively in nuclear roles, stationing in peacetime of nuclear forces on their territory, and to command, control and consultation arrangements. The nuclear forces based in Europe and destined for NATO constitute an essential political and military link between the European and North American members of the Alliance. This is why it will maintain adequate nuclear forces in Europe. These forces must possess the necessary characteristics and have the appropriate flexibility and survivability to be seen as a credible and effective part of the Allies' strategy to prevent war. They will be maintained at the minimum level sufficient to preserve peace and stability.
  3. The Allies concerned believe that because of the radical changes in the security situation, including the reduction of conventional force levels in Europe and the lengthening of reaction times, NATO is now much better able to to defuse a crisis by diplomatic and other means or, should the need arise, to implement effective conventional defence. The circumstances in which they might have to consider any use of nuclear weapons are therefore extremely remote. That is why, since 1991, the Allies have taken a series of measures that reflect the post-Cold War security environment. These include a dramatic reduction in the types and numerical strength of NATO's sub-strategic forces, including the elimination of nuclear artillery and short-range surface-to-surface nuclear missiles; a marked relaxation of the criteria for preparing forces with a nuclear role; and the end of permanent peacetime nuclear contingency plans. NATO's nuclear forces today are not directed against any country. Nevertheless, NATO will maintain, at the minimum level compatible with the existing security environment, adequate substrategic forces based in Europe, which will provide an essential link with strategic nuclear forces, thus strengthening the transatlantic link. These sub-strategic forces will consist of dual-capable aircraft and a small number of UK Trident warheads. However, under normal circumstances, no substrategic nuclear weapons will be deployed on a surface ship or attack submarine.

Part V - Conclusion

  1. As the North Atlantic Alliance enters its sixth decade, it must be ready to meet the challenges and exploit the opportunities of a new century. The Strategic Concept reaffirms the Alliance's enduring purpose and defines its fundamental security tasks. It enables a transformed NATO to contribute to the changing security environment, promoting security and stability with the strength of its shared commitment to democracy and the peaceful resolution of disputes. The Strategic Concept will determine the Alliance's security and defense policy, operational concepts, conventional and nuclear force posture and collective defense arrangements, and will be kept under review as the situation evolves. the security environment. In an uncertain world, effective defense remains necessary, but, in reaffirming this commitment, the Alliance will also continue to take full advantage of every opportunity to help build an undivided continent by promoting the ideal of a whole Europe and free.

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