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Despite the crisis, “European” action in the face of disasters is necessary (survey)

A search and rescue team in Indonesia, after the eruption of the Merapi volcano on October 26, 2010 (Credit: European Commission - ECHO/Mathias Eick)

(BRUSSELS2) European citizens trust the EU's action in terms of civil protection, if we are to believe the results of the latest survey (Eurobarometer), carried out last February and March, and which is published today today. Despite the crisis, these figures show that the sense of solidarity is not dead...

Support for humanitarian aid…

A large majority of respondents (84%) believe that humanitarian aid must continue to be financed despite the economic crisis and pressure on public finances, which represents an increase of 9 points compared to 2010. " Even in these difficult times, EU citizens remain supportive of helping people around the world who are facing serious difficulties for reasons beyond their control », underlines the European Commissioner in charge of Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response, Kristalina Georgieva.

…and for disaster management

Of the approximately 26 respondents, 751% believe that when it comes to disaster management, action at EU level is more effective than actions carried out individually by Member States. This is due to the lack of resources of certain States, and therefore the need to pool these resources: 82% think that all countries do not have sufficient resources to manage a major disaster on their own. Furthermore, disasters ignore national borders: a response at European level is therefore more relevant.

…but variations depending on the country

However, differences are observed depending on the country. Among the biggest supporters of European disaster management, we find Cyprus (96%), La Grève (91%) and Belgium (88%), while others are a little less enthusiastic: Romania ( 75%), the United Kingdom (76%), Austria and the Czech Republic (both 78%). Furthermore, EU action must not be limited to European territory: 89% of respondents agree that the EU must help any non-member state hit by a disaster, by coordinating the sending experts and equipment on site.

Europeans deeply concerned about disaster risk

According to this poll, Europeans seem to express a high level of concern about possible disasters. In particular, it is man-made disasters that are the subject of fear: 75% of respondents place disasters such as nuclear accidents or oil spills at the top of the list, before natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes (67%), terrorist attacks (64%) or even armed conflicts (59%). A large majority (84%) agree that EU Member States should be required by law to prepare (and publish) crisis management plans to this effect.

NB : ce fort soutien à la solidarité internationale de l’UE n’est pas nouveau, c’est une constante depuis des années. Le fait que ce chiffre se maintienne malgré la crise est un signe notable. Même s’il faut toujours prendre avec des « pincettes » les sondages Eurobaromètre réalisés par la Commission européenne, qui sont souvent orientés vers des nécessités politiques. On remarque toutefois que si les citoyens européens appuient l’action de l’UE dans la protection civile, cela ne veut pas forcément dire qu’ils la connaissent ou la comprennent bien. Seuls 17% estiment être informés des activités de l’UE dans la protection civile (27% en ce qui concerne l’aide humanitaire). Il y a ainsi encore un net effort à faire entre les projections du « désir » d’action européenne et la « connaissance » de son action réelle.

Summary of the investigation, to download here (disasters) and leaves (humanitarian aid). Full report within B2 Docs

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© B2 - Bruxelles2 is a French online media that focuses on political Europe (powers, defence, foreign policy, internal security). It follows and analyzes developments in European policy, unvarnished and without concessions. Approved by the CPPAP. Member of SPIIL. Please quote "B2" or "Bruxelles2" in case of recovery

One thought on “Despite the crisis, “European” action in the face of disasters is necessary (survey)"

  • It is doubtful that the average citizen knows the subtleties of European aid. Tell him that Europe helps people who are victims of disasters, his heart is beating and his hands are clapping. Let's take note of this generous feeling… Who wouldn't be, in a well-meaning victimized Europe… So, what credit should we give to this survey?… that Europeans love their neighbor and want to help the victims… As they say, it doesn't eat no bread… and that doesn't hurt… so let's get down to business, the financing of Europe, of its defence… then there, the Europeans risk being less generous.

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