[News] Battlegroups. Why is the schedule not kept? The reflection continues
(BRUXELLES2, exclusive) Why are States so reluctant to take turns guarding battlegroups? What are the blocking factors at Member State or EU level? These questions have been the subject of a new report, presented recently to the ambassadors of the PSC - the political and security committee of the EU. A report that also offers several options as a remedy. Document of which B2 has taken cognizance and which has been analyzed in detail in the Club.
Recurring holes in the calendar
The functioning of the battlegroups indeed always leaves something to be desired. At the last coordination conference, which was held on April 19, only two periodic penalty payments were met for each of the 2016 semesters (instead of four, 2 per semester). All the other "holes" have not been filled. What makes that there is, roughly, only one permanent battlegroup for all the semesters from 2013 to 2016, with only one exception: in the 2nd semester of 2014. A questionnaire was therefore sent to the various Member States, with 25 questions relating to all aspects: political or legal , such as financial, military, logistics, command or intelligence.
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