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“Defence” conclusions in the form of a roadmap. Reporting !

CmeDefenseTable@UE111130a(BRUSSELS2) The conclusions of the Councils of Ministers on European defense are often rather ritual recalling what has been done during the year and announcing fairly common upcoming decisions: extension or announcement of operations, launch of projects... A text often administrative and somewhat boring (it must be admitted). Those which have just been adopted (*) must however be looked at with a magnifying glass. Because, under these ritual exteriors, hides something else. A bit like regaining control of the slow drift that had marked the past few months, towards a continual decline in ambitions, whether in terms of operations or crisis management tools.

Bread on the plate for six months

First of all, there is the planning of several new operations located in Africa: the strengthening of maritime capacities in the Horn of Africa, the study of possible missions in the Sahel or in Libya, the extension of the Atalanta operation, as well as the launch of 11 capability projects by the European Defense Agency. By linking all the paragraphs together, they form a real roadmap that the Member States wanted to draw up, giving the High Representative the mandate to develop and strengthen the Europe of defence. As the Polish ambassador to the COPS, Beata Peksa-Krawiec, explained this afternoon, before the European Parliament, it is a " policy of small steps. And we have our work cut out for six months ».

Reports in spades up to a possible strategic review

Several progress reports or deadlines for reaching agreements have, in fact, been set: on new missions, battlegroups, the overhaul of crisis management procedures, the Athena mechanism, the activation of Ops- center, force generation procedures, military capacity building...

In general, the 27 asked the High Representative to give them a "progress report" on all aspects of the CSDP in general within six months, " by June 2012 ". An opportunity that the High Representative could seize to carry out an ambitious inventory by drawing up perspectives and lines of force, like a "White Paper". Even if the term is not pronounced, it is not prohibited. And in the English version "reviewing progress made", we are not far from the "Strategic review" undertaken by the British for their own forces.

Growing demand for European action

The context is telling. There is a growing demand for the European Union to become a " global strategic player, more capable and more coherent “, specify the conclusions. The 27 stress the importance of CSDP " as an essential element of this comprehensive approach » and insist on « necessary progress " to accomplish. They reiterate, full commitment to maintain current commitments on ongoing CSDP missions " whereas they " consider new CSDP actions ". One must use " efficiently and active the full range of instruments available for conflict prevention and crisis management”.

Evaluation and added value needed for CSDP missions

The 27 endorse the need to improve CSDP performance, in particular through the evaluation of results, benchmarking, impact study, identification and application of lessons learned ) as well as the development of best practices. They also set what can be retained as five criteria for the use of CSDP missions: 1) added value, 2) on the basis of identified needs, 3) with clear objectives, 4) exit strategies , 5) to achieve lasting results.

New missions: decisions to be taken by the end of the year or the beginning of 2012

The 27 asked the High Representative to speed up the preparatory work on the CSDP operation in the Sahel with the aim of a new meeting set "for'Here's the End of the Year (2011)' to consider the follow-up. They reaffirmed the EU's readiness to provide assistance to Libya, in a variable number of sectors, including security sector reform and border management. Of the " options for possible CSDP action should be drawn up in early 2012 according to the two conditions set by the EEAS: the principle of ownership by the Libyans and cooperation with the UN. On the anti-piracy operation Eunavfor Atalanta, having been unable, for procedural reasons, to extend it until 2014, the ministers agreed to come back to the question at the beginning of 2012 with a view to a decision. As for the security mission at the airport in South Sudan, they took " notes of work in progress.

Civilian capabilities: a regulatory framework for force generation

Failing to have achieved the objectives set in the "Headline Goals 2010", the 27 had last year, quite simply, decided to postpone the application. They recall today how much the " search for synergies between the development of civil and military capabilities is necessary, for European-style crisis management, and to respond both to the existing shortcomings and to the growing demand in this area.

They set a deadline: in the 1st half of 2012 to the High Representative and the Commission to together re-examine ways to improve force generation. within a sound regulatory framework. They also ask Member States to have more effective strategies allowing the use of civilian personnel from different ministries (Foreign Affairs, Interior, Justice, Finance, etc.). This also involves “more training, career incentives...” to provide motivated and qualified personnel for CSDP missions.

The contours of a defense industrial policy

With the crisis hitting, the 27 wanted to integrate these new constraints into capacity work. It is no longer just a question - as before - of resolving the shortcomings observed, but of " develop cooperation in military capabilities on a more systematic and long-term basis ". Member States must indicate on which projects they take the "lead". The situation will be reviewed April 2012. And the 27 recall the commitment made by EU defense chiefs to establish or expand cooperation projects by mid-2012.

They want to examine in detail the impact of the reduction in defense spending on capabilities, in particular the possible impact on the technological and industrial capabilities to be maintained and developed in Europe ". The European Defense Agency (EDA) will be responsible for this work. And ask both the Commission and the EDA to speed up the search for " synergies », in particular by integrating these concerns into the future research and technology framework program for 2020.

Improved crisis response: to report.

The 27 endorsed the creation of a permanent warehouse for civil equipment in 2012 and the redefinition of procedures. But they also asked the High Representative to work on various subjects to improve crisis response. It will be so on the battle groups and their interaction with civilian elements (see separate article), report expected in 1er semester 2012.

The crisis management procedures, procedures which are a bit dated since they date back to 2003, must also be reviewed, believe the 27, who are asking the High Representative to make proposals, following a few principles. We must have "clear mandates" and "strengthened capacities" for the crisis management structures, in particular between the CMPD and the EU General Staff (the CPCC is not mentioned as such, but one can think of it), for “ enable early, and more effective planning, enabling faster decision-making at the political level, improved exchange of information, identification of civil-military synergies and close cooperation with international organizations ". We can specify that this work has already been started within the EEAS. General de Kermabon is specially charged with carrying out a study and proposal mission.

Report on cooperation with the UN

International cooperation, in particular with the UN crisis management structures, was also examined, with the 27 asking - here again - for the High Representative to make proposals for concrete actions to be taken in the first half of 2012. meaning, they encourage him to continue his efforts to facilitate cooperation between the EU and NATO, particularly in theaters of operations, where the two organizations work side by side (Afghanistan, Kosovo, etc.). They thus validate the contact process, in particular between the different levels of the two administrations.

(Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)

(*) Text which is only available in English, for the moment. Personal translation.

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Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
