B2's life

B2: 3300 articles later, a “real” media…

(BRUXELLES2) B2 has existed for more than three years. It has grown steadily, both in content, news coverage and readership. More than 3300 articles appear on the site now. The site is consulted from all walks of life, not just in the French-speaking world. The majority of our readers are, of course, based in France and Belgium. But in the United Kingdom and Germany, in Spain and Italy, in the United States and Canada and Russia, B2 is consulted, as well as in most countries of the European Union. Many readers from the Arab world have also joined us in recent months, proof of a noticeable openness in the countries of the South. We also see readers arriving from several corners of the world: from South Africa, India, Israel and China.

More than a year ago, we changed platforms, moving to wordpress, and changing design. We have extended our coverage to other areas of foreign policy. And we continue to think about other developments, both technical and editorial, ... while keeping our independence and our freedom of tone, which are our "trademark". Which is not automatically easy every day... We still believe that Europe has a future, for foreign and defense policy in particular. Which is not easier 🙂 But this conviction does not prevent us from keeping the tone lively, sharp, and journalistic as it should be. According to the popular proverb: who loves well, punishes well.

We also firmly believe that the online press has a future. But that it must respect all the journalistic rules: be a source of news and not simply a point of commentary or resumption of information; authenticate and verify information; cite the sources - whenever their author does not require anonymity, cross-reference them, check them, and correct or amend them if necessary, etc... In short, do journalism.

We are therefore quite proud to announce that B2 is now recognized as a media in its own right since it has requested and obtained the approval of the Joint Commission for Publications and Press Agencies (CPPAP), for online media. See the Legal Notice of the site

A legal structure has also been set up (association law 1901, established in Paris). For those who wish, this will therefore directly support our action. This will allow us to develop our technical site, to be able to finance certain reports. You can send us a donate directly.

Finally, another development, all our articles are now also available in press databases such as Factiva et ESD. This makes the search that much easier.

See you soon, for new adventures...

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

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Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).

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