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The Wroclaw consensus to go faster

The meeting room of ministers inside the centenary hall (credit: Polish Ministry of Defence)

(BRUSSELS2 to Wroclaw) At the informal meeting of defense ministers in Wroclaw, a general consensus was reached " to go faster and have concrete results in the short term in sharing and pooling (pooling and sharing) defense means and equipment, as explained to B2 at the end of the meeting Claude-France Arnould, the director of the European Defense Agency. The objective set is to be able to present from the formal meeting of the Ministers of Defense - on November 30 - a first selection of specific projects, options, to have a political endorsement allowing to start concretely. For Me Arnould " What would be a good time for the European Council to take up these issues, for the Heads of State and Government to support this process »

The European Defense Agency, which is the leader of its subjects, has set up a small group of high-level experts, former DGAs or Chiefs of Staff (*) responsible both for "detecting projects" and to meet their counterparts. " Experienced practitioners allow us to go faster — comments CF Arnould —, they have the doors open, they already have the networks. A CHOD does not refuse to receive a Camporini. Or the same for a DGA with F. Lureau. Useful clarification: these sages are not paid at European level but remain at national level. A condition set from the start and which has "deflated", in a way, certain candidacy wishes presented by several countries.

Projects under study

Several projects are under study, such as the training of transport aircraft pilots or the integrated multinational medical support unit. The objective is to be able to constitute a unit which would serve as a Role of 2 and could be prepositioned for a departure on an international mission, by integrating various national components. Led by Italy, a dozen States (including France) showed interest.

Expertise the shortcomings of Libya

But the Agency also has the task of assessing the "shortcomings of Libya". We know the main ones, starting with in-flight refueling. A plan to exchange surplus hours, a sort of clearinghouse for available hours, could be set up. Some devices are aging today in several countries. But others have a fleet still available that could be made available to others. And there are acquisition plans - this plan is in the future. It will also be necessary to solve one or two "technical problems" such as the in-flight refueling device. Other projects: intelligence, stocks of laser-guided ammunition - a meeting was already held in mid-September on this subject at expert level. Note that this work is carried out in tandem. The Polish presidency's task is to provide feedback at political and institutional level. While the Agency is responsible for carrying out more technical work on capacities.

Savings or economy?

Claude-France Arnould explained during the session that it is a question of not making defense savings without it going back to defense and preventing it from going back to the level of the general budget. A statement generously approved around the table by the "union" of Defense Ministers. “Unfortunately, we have high party business. The union of finance ministers is stronger,” confided to B2, not without humour, a minister participating in this meeting.

Zero Growth Budget for EDA

At the November Council, the Agency should present for 2012, a so-called "zero growth" budget. The agency knows it cannot expect an increase but does not want the budget to decrease. It is true that a good part of the agency's budget is in projects where contributions remain voluntary.

American interest

The agency continues its merry way towards recognition of his work. A recent visit to the United States. There is a real “interest in what can be done on the European side in order to increase capacities in general. We no longer have a rather ideological discourse, which was current a few years ago on the risk of competition with NATO. What concerns today is what can be done concretely by the Europeans. And how to make Europeans take control of their destiny. What they have not been able to do - let's admit it for 40 years - within NATO. Americans thus recognize that a strong incentive is needed for Europeans to spend, in other words... national industries, industrial markets...

(*) This group of sages includes François Lureau (ex DGA), Vincezo Camporini (ex Italian CEMA), General Matts Nielsen (Swedish), Eero Lavonen (Finnish DGA). We don't pay it. Paid by Member States.

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Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
