News BlogNorth Africa Libya

The defection of the Libyan ambassador to the EU warmly welcomed

Presentation of credentials (credit: European Commission, April 2009)

(BRUSSELS2) The Libyan ambassador to the European Union and Benelux, Al Hadi Hadeiba, has defected and severed his ties with the Gaddafi regime, " to protest violent repression of the Libyan people. A defection immediately welcomed by the spokesperson for the High Representative of the EU, Cathy Ashton.

A middle position

According to my information, the Libyan ambassador in Brussels had up to now taken a median position, remaining both loyal to the regime but sending, from the start of the crisis, to the media, such as Al Jazaira, a letter that could qualify as very Byzantine. Unsigned, it denounced the difficult fate of the Libyan people but without directly imputing the cause to Gaddafi elsewhere. The ambassador had also been in fairly regular contact with several senior officials of the European Union, in particular to allow the evacuation of European citizens at the start of the crisis, to send messages to Tripoli, or in the other direction, in particular for the various ceasefire proposals.

Warm contacts

Contacts that can be described as quite warm and officially confirmed today. “We have been in contact with him and congratulate him on his courageous decision to work for a democratic society in Libya and a better future for the Libyan people,” explains the spokesperson. And to add: The High Representative and the European External Action Service look forward to staying in close contact with Mr. Al Hadi Hadeiba as part of the efforts to support the working groups for a peaceful and democratic transition in Libya. »

The choice of those close to Gaddafi: rally or deserve the opprobrium

And the spokesperson clarified: Those at the top of the Gaddafi regime have a choice: either stay with Gaddafi and face rejection from their fellow citizens and the international community, or support efforts to ensure that the hopes and expectations of the Libyan people are realized through democracy and a process that allows all Libyans to come together and decide on their future. »

Read also: A plan for a ceasefire in Libya has narrowly failed

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
