Libya: Europe must stop “being immobile” say the socialist tenors of the EP
(BRUSSELS2) Several MEPs from the Socialist and Democratic Group today called on European leaders to mobilize and trigger a " EU naval humanitarian relief mission in Libya ". " It is difficult to understand that 15 days after the Council of the EU announced a joint security and defense mission to support humanitarian aid in Libya (NB: Eufor Libya), EU is still in slow motion as civilians are massacred in Misrata write four of the main MEPs in charge of Foreign Affairs of the Socialists & Democrats group in the European Parliament. The appeal was signed by the group's vice-president for foreign policy, Véronique De Keyser; the permanent rapporteur on the negotiations of the EU-Libya framework agreement, Ana Gomes; the president of the Maghreb delegation, Antonio Panzeri, and the coordinator of the group in the defense and security subcommittee of the Parliament, Roberto Gualtieri. In short, not just anyone!
Europe must have an autonomous policy and not wait for OCHA's opinion
MEPs complain about "theimmobility of the EU while civilians are massacred in Misrata ". They believe that the EU should act autonomously. " Irrespective of the request from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the EU should immediately provide humanitarian aid to the population of Misrata, by naval means. they point out. " We call on the Council to invite our partners, such as the Arab League and the African Union, to contribute to the CSDP mission »
Me the Baroness: move your buttocks!
But the socialist tenors do not stop there. They are also severe towards the action of the High Representative, demanding action. " We demand that the High Representative for Foreign Policy, Baroness Ashton urgently verify the declared offer of the Libyan government to guarantee access for humanitarian workers to areas under its control, according to the UN. We reiterate our call on Baroness Ashton to take concrete initiatives for a ceasefire in order to reduce the suffering of the people in Libya. The EU must play a strong and direct role in promoting political initiatives in this direction. »
NB: We can notice the rather harsh tone of the Socialist deputies towards Catherine Ashton (which is a first) and which is in line with the remarks of certain EPP deputies.
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