News BlogNorth Africa Libya

The 27, not very united, pray to Gaddafi to listen... to the "aspirations of his people"

Cathy Ashton, arriving at the dinner, February 20 (credit: Council of the EU)

Europe, more than a month after the start of the Arab revolts, still does not really know how to deal with these changes. And it will probably take a little more than one dinner to allow Europe to put itself in battle order and in unison on its "Arab policy". As Alexander Stubb, the Finnish Minister for Foreign Affairs, aptly summed it up: Something really important is happening but we don't know what ».

Everything remains to be defined, as the first comments showed, this Sunday evening, at the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the 27. The positions are not totally divergent but not yet very harmonized between those who waver between the desire for a Europe more visible, more reactive (France, Germany...), sometimes to hide their own failures, the desire for a more general mobilization towards the countries of the south (France, Italy, Greece as well as most of the countries of the south) which comes up against the desire of certain Eastern countries not to undress Paul to dress Pierre, or the call simply for an end to the violence (Finland, High Representative...).

A tectonic movement to which it is important for Europe to respond

« We are facing tectonic movements summed up German State Secretary Werner Hoyer. " This is a great chance for freedom, democracy and tolerance. It's time for Europe to become visible ". Same tone, although more detailed, of the French Minister in charge of European Affairs, Laurent Wauquiez: “ France is extremely concerned. It should be remembered that Libya signed the covenant on civil and political rights. That she respects her commitments. That there is not this use, totally disproportionate to the force that we have been witnessing for 48 hours. France, Europe has a responsibility in this context, for human rights. Faced with the enormous changes on the southern shore of the Mediterranean, France pleads for a general mobilization in favor of the southern shore. (see also the Letter of the 6).

F. Frattini, facing the press, February 20 (credit: Council of the EU)

Italy embarrassed by what happens to its "friend" Gaddafi

The Italian Franco Frattini did not want to comment on the situation in Libya, showing himself above all " very concerned about the impact on the migration situation », and calling for a « pact for the Mediterranean, including a major Marshall plan and economic development ". It cannot be said that Italy is thus very preoccupied with the rise of democracy. Rome's principle seems to be: better a known good dictator than an unknown one. The Italian Minister will be in Egypt in two days (together with the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs).

The reward for cowardice, however, goes to Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg. "At this time, if we interfere in the situation, we will only complicate the matter"and Europe had to show"the greatest restraint" he said, considering that the fall of Colonel Gaddafi could lead to other larger disasters in the world.

Listen to the aspirations of the people

Before the meeting, William Hague, the British Foreign Secretary, called on the leaders of the countries of Libya, Yemen or Bahrain to " listen to the aspirations of their people rather than respond to them with force and respect the rights of peaceful protesters ».

Faced with these different stories, the High Representative has chosen a medial way expressing her "concern" and urging, in Libya as in Bahrain, " restraint, an end to violence and dialogue ". She published at the end of the evening which takes up the main terms used by the Ministers "condemning the repression", recalling the signing of the Civil and Political Rights Covenant, calling for an end to the blackout on the media and asking to "listen to the aspirations of the people". It's a bit like the world upside down... Europe calling on the guide of the great popular and socialist revolution to listen to its people! (download the declaration of the High Representative)

Libya uses the weapon of immigration

Faced with the first criticisms, the Libyan government did not take gloves and threatened to suspend its cooperation on immigration if the European Union continues to criticize its internal situation. A message sent to the Hungarian ambassador in Tripoli. A threat could have a secondary effect: to close ranks at European level, because it unvarnishedly reveals the Libyan strategy (a cooperation already suspended in fact if we see the first movements on Lampedusa).

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
