Savolainen takes office as Head of EUPOL Afghanistan
(B2) The new head of the EU police mission (EUPOL) in Afghanistan, Finland's Jukka Savolainen, has taken up his post in Kabul, replacing Denmark's Kai Vittrup (1). For the occasion, he was elevated to the rank of brigadier general by the Presidency of the Finnish Republic.
Born on March 22, 1962, Savolainen spent most of his career in the border guard corps from 1986, notably as a surveillance officer. In 1997, when Finland had just joined the EU, he began a more European experience, as head of the European Affairs unit at the border guard staff. It thus participates in various working groups, particularly on the evaluation of Schengen. In 2002, he moved to the Permanent Representation of Finland in Brussels to the EU, as a 'border security' adviser, then moved very quickly to the Council of the EU as a national expert seconded to the DG Justice and Home Affairs ( 2002-2006).
On his return to Finland, he held the position of Director of International Affairs at the Border Guard Staff, notably during the Finnish Presidency of the EU, before taking the post of Deputy Director, in charge more particularly of border monitoring and investigation of cross-border crimes. He participated in a "Benchmarking" mission of border management in the Balkan region.
His mission at the head of EUPOL Afghanistan will not be easy for a mission that is having difficulty finding its cruising speed and supplementing its personnel.
(1) The head of Eupol Afghanistan. is leaving. The mission extended for 3 years