News BlogEU diplomacy

The “light weapons” clause incorporated into 4 agreements in 2009

(B2) The EU has adopted its annual report on small arms and light weapons (SALW).

This report (download here) consists - it is classic - of three parts:

- the first part deals with the efforts made by the Member States to tackle the problem of small arms and light weapons at the level
- the second part is dedicated to the efforts made at the international level;
- the third part deals with participation in the work carried out within the framework of international organizations and regional arrangements; - the appendix
includes the list of contact points of EU Member States in the field of SALW.

It should be noted that in 2009 the EU included a clause on SALW in four bilateral agreements: with China, Iraq, Libya and South Korea (following a
recommendation taken by the 27 in December 2008).



Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
