Consensus of the 27 on a debate on European security at the OSCE
(B2) COPS ambassadors had a discussion on the Corfu process on Tuesday 2 March. A process launched by the Greek chairmanship of the OSCE in June 2009 with the aim of promoting a dialogue on European security. This includes responding to Russian proposals for a new Treaty on European Security (1). The Europeans, after fumbling for several months (2), have found a certain "consensus", according to a European diplomat. They believe that the Russian proposal and the Corfu process have a merit: to revive a debate on European security and the OSCE, which was a little dormant, such as the "Sleeping Beauty". They all unanimously believe that if there is to be a debate on European security, it must take place within the confines of the OSCE, which is the appropriate organization (3). Kazakh presidency of the organization, which is now leading the debates, must submit a report which must include a list of proposals and extend to conflict prevention, the post-conflict situation, energy... A meeting ministerial meeting is scheduled for June, or rather July to discuss it.
(2) Read: Sarkozy answers yes to the proposal of Medvedev of a pact (November 2008)
Joschka Fischer proposes a new enlarged the Russia (January 2009),
The Merkel-Sarkozy couple reclaims the european security (February 2009)
(3) A position that now seems accepted by the Russians, if I believe Medvedev's statements in Paris earlier this week