News BlogEEAS High Representative

Ashton defines the hierarchical organization of the future EEAS (2)

(photo credit: Council of the EU - TV)

(BRUSSELS2) In its document framing the future European External Action Service, Cathy Ashton also indicates how the future structure could be composed, from a hierarchical and organizational point of view. That is to say the first sketch of the organization chart. It remains to define, more precisely, the hierarchical connections and, above all, to fill in each box. Knives are drawn...

NB: France has presented the candidacy of Pierre Vimont, current ambassador to Washington, former chief of staff to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (first Michel Barnier then Philippe Douste-Blazy), he began his career in London.

The hierarchical structure

The structure will include 4 hierarchical levels.

- On the upper level, a general secretary. This will be a person "in charge", responsible, and reporting directly to the High Representative/Vice-President of the Commission, overseeing the whole organization and representing it externally. This name refers to what exists in certain Member States and in other European institutions. The profile of this Secretary General is defined: to combine “strong managerial capacities” and solid political judgment”. He will be flanked by a deputy. The Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary General will be able to replace the High Representative in a substantial way in certain situations. In other cases, if the HR/VP cannot be present, an “alternative” can come from Commissioners or Foreign Ministers.

- The managing directors. A limited number covering the basic functions has been identified, the existence of deputy general managers must be provided for. Some of them will have geographical responsibilities, others will cover crisis management, horizontal issues, resources, coordination, strategic communications and political planning. As for the exact position of a “Political Director” – or a similar function, it has (still) to be defined”.

- The Principal Directors and Advisors : Their number will ensure the duplication of the areas of competence of the Deputy Secretary General and the Directors General. Some may be attached directly to the Secretary General.

- heads of unit and advisers.

skill blocks

The central department. According to the first indications, the EEAS should be composed of both a central core of diplomats and administrative experts, quite large, based in Brussels, of around 2000 people (the central service). It will essentially rely on the structure of the current Directorate-General for External Relations (RELEX) and certain units of DG Development - and the services of the Council of Ministers of the EU, in particular: its directorate for external relations (Dir E) and its political unit (see current organization chart). It will integrate civil-military structures, but not too much, so that they retain their specificity.

It will bring together several skill blocks:

- the geographical desks which will also integrate the special representatives with a geographic mandate;

- crisis management structures = military staff, SITCEN, CMPD and CPCC;

- a set of thematic units (human rights, rule of law, non-proligion, security issues - organized crime, terrorism, cyber-security);

- coordination and inter-institutional relations;

- support for the Presidency of the Foreign Affairs Council: general services (human resources, legal service, security);

- public diplomacy (strategic communication, dialogue with civil society, NGOs, etc.);

- political planning.

Outside, the “embassies” of the European Union will largely take over the system already deployed by the European Commission, which has 134 delegations. EU special representatives "who have a geographical mandate" (Sudan, Georgia, Afghanistan, etc.) will be included.

(Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).

One thought on “Ashton defines the hierarchical organization of the future EEAS (2)"

  • Hello Nicholas!

    Thank you for this very clear and very useful presentation!

    For all practical purposes, you should know that Pierre Vimont was above all the permanent representative of France to the European Union after Pierre De Boissieu and before Pierre Sellal, and that he was not only director of the cabinet of Michel Barnier and Philippe Douste Blazy but also that of Dominique de Villepin, after having been Deputy Director General of Cultural, Scientific and Technical Relations, Director of Cultural, Scientific and Technical Cooperation and Chief of Staff of Elisabet Guigou then Minister Delegate for European Affairs! He is by far one of the best French specialists in European and international issues!

    To propose him as SG of the SEAE honors France! Indeed choosing it would honor the European Union!

    Happy weekend


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