Earthquake in Haiti. European aid: 6 ships, 3000 men… In detail
(BRUSSELS2) After the departure of three ships - Spanish (1), British (2), Italian (3) - there will soon be in the area:
- 6 ships provided by the navies of the European Union,
- 15 helicopters and about 30 planes,
- nearly 3000 men involved (health, firefighters, civil protection, soldiers of the 3 arms - land air sea -, police and gendarmes).
Means of help
Equipment side civil security and emergency rescue services deployed on the spot by the European States participating in the rescue operation, at the latest assessment carried out by the unit
"civil protection" of the European Commission, there is today:
- 2 field hospitals (Belgian and French)
- 5 advanced medical posts (European - Italy, 3 French, 1 Portuguese)
- 38 medical teams (30 French, 2 Portuguese, 2 Spanish, 1 German, 1 Hungarian, 1 Greek, 1 British)
- 6 water purification units: 2 Spanish, 1 European (Fr), 1 Belgian, 1 German, 1 French.
- 5 evaluation teams: Italian, German, British, Irish, Spanish.
- 1182 tents to accommodate nearly 7000 people provided by 9 European countries (Austria, Sweden, Italy, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria, Poland) + 2 base camp with a capacity of 200 people (according to a module Nordic spouse (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Estonia, Finland).
- More than 1000 specialized personnel deployed (firefighters, doctors, technicians).
To this must be added the actual military resources involved: Irish military engineering officers, two first aid post installations, a field hospital and a water purification unit of the French army, a protection detachment of the Belgian army, a team of British military police...
In all 24 European States thus participate in the effort coordinated in Brussels by the "civil protection" (MIC) and "military" (EUCO) units: Austria, Belgium, France, Greece, Luxembourg, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, Portugal, Poland, Finland, Denmark, Ireland, Estonia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Malta, Bulgaria, Hungary, as well as Norway and l Iceland (not EU members but part of the MIC).
Several coordination teams from the European Commission are on site: one from the Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) and from the MIC (Civil Protection Unit), very quickly deployed. A second MIC coordination team arrived in Port au Prince on 23 January.
Financial aid = 429 million euros
- €30 million in humanitarian aid (including €3 million in rapid aid, in particular financing transport, €8 million which has been redirected, and €19 million which is in the process of being decided)
+ 92 million euros provided by Member States, not counting private aid.
+ 107 million euros for reconstruction aid (of which 80% has been redirected)
+ 200 million over time for development aid
To have an overview of the damage on maps (produced by the teams of the JRC, the research center of the European Union). Read : Earthquake in Haiti: satellite photos of the damage. Uplifting
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