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A conference convened to solve the problems of Eupol Afghanistan

(BRUSSELS2) Enough promises, now we need action. Here is how one could sum up the missive just sent by the Swedish Foreign Minister, Carl Bildt, who holds the EU Presidency, and Javier Solana, the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy. This letter sounds the alarm. " Stability and security in Afghanistan are at a critical point "" We must do more to fulfill our political commitment to strengthen the Afghan police and the rule of law sector» The mission of
EU Police in Afghanistan (EUPOL) which is to have a staff of 400 remains significantly understaffed and faces logistical transport challenges within the country that prevent the full implementation of its mandate” « Now more than ever it is essential that we rectify this explain the two senior European officials.

Javier Solana and Carl Bildt at the conference of Foreign Ministers on October 27 © NGV

130 people are missing... “A lot of efforts have already been made but ALL (it is underlined) the Member States must do more”. The mission still lacks 130 men and women, well trained, mostly police officers and more logistical support to deploy out of Kabul all over the country ". A conference entitled "Conference on Eupol Afghanistan, resolving logistical and personnel deficits" is therefore convened in Brussels to find solutions. A generation conference of the last chance in a way...

The EU is playing its credibility. " We count on your strong support and urge you to ensure that your representatives are prepared to announce additional secondments of police officers and experts for Eupol. (...) It is a question of the credibility of the EU vis-à-vis the Afghan government and the entire international community” conclude the signatories of the letter. Couldn't be said better. The (large) European Union, which provides almost half of the ISAF troops (about 30 men), which is relentlessly pushing the strategic need to be present in Afghanistan, seems unable to send some 000 police officers and experts. And this has been going on for many months. It is indeed ridiculous... And some Americans have a good time laughing at an EU incapable of fulfilling its promises. (130)

(1) Currently Eupol has to rely mainly on US means of transport. What makes our "American friends" a tad playful... on the European commitment (and I'm nice -:)).

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
