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Poland and the Netherlands reflect on their future in Afghanistan

(BRUSSELS2) The fly that stung Berlusconi, speaking of a return home of the "boys" at home as soon as possible, during the European Summit, certainly responded to a national emotion (the death of 6 Italian soldiers) but it is also a sign of concern palpable in several European countries. Et not less Atlanticist... In Poland and the Netherlands, too, questions of withdrawal, of the future of the mission... torment the highest level of power. 

Poland: renewal of the contingent but serious questions, why the impasse?

Two studies... In Poland, the Ministry of Defense commissioned two studies on the political and military situation of the Polish mission. The government must decide, by October 13, the renewal of its contingent in Afghanistan, normally without increase (there are 2200 soldiers on the spot). For the adviser to the Minister of Defence, Roman Kuzniar, according to what the daily Dziennik reports, there is no secret: " We are watching closely the phase of operations in Afghanistan, which is clearly floundering in a stalemate and not responding to our expectations. »

"Lto the most important question is why we are at an impasse, with such a huge military and operational advantage ". The forces of NATO, the army and the Afghan police exceed 100.000 people while the number of Taliban is estimated at between 15 and 20.000 men.  «The mere continuation of the mission in its current form is (therefore) no longer sufficient. It's even a recipe for total disaster adds Kuzniar, who underlines the urgent need for politicians to regain the upper hand. "Military logic in Afghanistan has taken precedence over political logic. And that is the problem: when the military dictate the conditions of the operation, it is the threat of a catastrophe, for the politicians. And that must change. »

However, there is no question of a solo exit from Afghanistan, explains Defense Minister Bogdan Klich:
«  We got together, we go out together. Any decision not taken in agreement with NATO partners would weaken our position in the North Atlantic Alliance.”. And he adds " Due to the geopolitics of Poland (NB: its position near Russia), we can't afford. NATO is the guarantor of our national security ».

Netherlands: planned withdrawal at the end of 2010 but possibility of keeping a small contingent.

Debate engaged. In the Netherlands, the debate is engaged in the opposite direction. It seemed certain that the Dutch would withdraw from Uruzgan at the end of 2010. This was the result of an agreement between the main parties in the country. But American insistence was strong (US General McChrystal commanding IFAS met with several ministers in mid-September). In quick succession, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Verhagen (CDA) and the Minister of Defense, Van Middelkoop (Christen Unie), have thus mentioned, more or less clearly, an extension. The Minister of Defence, rather reluctant at the start about this extension, was quite specific, mentioning the possibility of maintaining a small force of 400-500 men, in particular in order to train Afghan security troops and ensure a minimum of protection . According to the daily Volkskrant, the soldiers also fear that when they leave, " all hard-won knowledge about local relationships and projects is lost. The Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) has tribal relations specialists and interpreters who have lived in Kamp Holland since the mission began in 2006. And personal relationships play a big role.” dans le pays.

Other countries not very, very hot.

En Slovakia : the government denied, Friday September 25, having the intention to send a combat unit in Afghanistan. The press had spoken the dispatch at the end of 2010 - 2011 of part of the 5th Special Forces Regiment, based in Zilina, which has just been equipped with new equipment (weapons, drones, armored vehicles). Slovak soldiers are deployed on the ground, some with the Dutch, to guard and provide surveillance of the base.

To be continued...

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
