News BlogPSDC crisis management

The new schedule for EU battlegroups, 2009 and beyond

The on-call schedule for the EU's light rapid reaction force - battle groups 1500 people minimum for each battle group - has just been updated ahead of the Council of Defense Ministers on 18 May. Here is the content... (NB: the first country is the framework nation of the Battle group

1er semester 2009
2009-1: Italy, Spain (Italian-Spanish Amphibious Force), Portugal, Greece (OHQ = Rome - Italy)
2009-1: Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Romania = Helbroc (OHQ = Larissa - Greece)

2nd semester 2009
2009-2: République tchèque, Slovakia (OHQ: Potsdam – Germany)
2009-2: Belgium, France, Luxembourg (OHQ = Mont Valérien - France)

1er semester 2010
2010-1: Poland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia (OHQ = Germany)
2010-1: United Kingdom, Netherlands (OHQ = United Kingdom - Northwood)

2nd semester 2010
2010-2: Italy, Romania + Turkey (OHQ = Italy)
2010-2: Spain, France, Portugal

1er semester 2011
2011-1: Netherlands, Germany, Finland, Austria, Lithuania (OHQ = Germany)
2011-1: Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Ireland + Norway = Nordic battlegroup

2nd semester 2011
2011-2: Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Romania = Helbroc
2011-2: France or Portugal, Spain, France, Italy

1er semester 2012
2012-1: xxx
2012-1: xxx

2nd semester 2012
2012-2: Italy, Slovenia, Hungary
2012-2: Germany, Austria, Czech Republic + Croatia and Fyrom (OHQ: Germany)

1er semester 2013
2013-1: Poland, Germany, France
2013-1: xxx

2nd semester 2013
2013-2: UK, Sweden
2013-2: Belgium (to be confirmed)

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
