The radar project in the Czech Republic suspended?
(B2) The new American administration will probably give up the installation of a radar in the Czech Republic within the framework of the American anti-missile shield. It was the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Czech Senate, Jiri Dienstbier, who affirmed this at the national television. The former Charter 77 dissident and spokesman, and former foreign minister (of Vaclav Havel), adds that the only possibility of realizing this shield would be within a Russia-USA framework. According to him, "Either the missile defense project will be joint - NATO, Russia and the United States - or it will not happen." He also recalled that the new American vice-president Joe Biden had always been against "star wars" (Joe Biden should make an important announcement at the Munich security conference in end of
The current Czech Foreign Minister, Karel Schwarzenberg, who currently presides over the destinies of the European Union, rejected the idea of renegotiating the agreement reached with the Americans to include the Russians, saying that "any new agreement would be disadvantageous for the Czech Republic". But he admitted, however, that the radar project "was not a priority" of the new American administration and that he could be "reasonable" to link the defense of the United States and Russia. As for the Clinton administration's specialist in national security, the American of Polish origin, Zbigniew Brzezinski, he believes that the anti-missile shield is not "really needed today" and is even a bit outdated, resting on a decade-old threat. The greatest threat coming from "internal instability certain countries such as Pakistan or nuclear power such as South Korea or Iran where international negotiations are underway.
(Photo: Jiri Dienstbier © Czech Television)