Signing of a Spain-Portugal military Erasmus agreement
(B2) The two Spanish and Portuguese Defense Ministers, Carme Chacon and Nuno Severiano Teixeira, have just signed a declaration of intent to begin the process of university exchange of officers, on the model of the "Erasmus" program (we is creating a study commission). An agreement that is part of theeuropean initiative adopted last November).
Industrial cooperation. This Hispano-Portuguese cooperation should continue in the field of armaments and industry. In another "declaration of intent", the two countries thus expressed their "firm intention" to initiate cooperation in aeronautics - with an air pool comprising EC-135 helicopters and Airbus A-400M planes -, in the maritime sector (to restructure the European naval sector), as well as for drones. All initiatives that correspond to industrial cooperation decisions of the 27 EU Defense Ministers in november tip.
Exchange of good practices of the armies. At the level of the armed forces, the two Spanish and Portuguese chiefs of staff have also decided to extend this effort by signing a cooperation agreement which includes the planning and implementation of activities and exercises between the two armed forces. , the exchange of personnel between land, naval and air units, as well as the exchange of information and the analysis of options for military operations within the framework of international organizations.