Demographic changes require the development of services to the public
(B2) In the report adopted at the end of February, the European Parliament tried to identify the consequences of demographic changes in everyday life. Written by the French MEP, Françoise Castex, this initiative report thus advocates a series of measures intended to encourage the birth rate, the development of solidarity and social services and to compensate for the aging of the population.
The principle of solidarity between the generations, which underlies European social models and is based on the assumption by the working people of the replacement incomes, the costs of protection and health of the non-working people, "must be reaffirmed", underlines the European Parliament. It thus highlights the need for the active intervention of the public authorities, in particular through the presence of social services of general interest (SSIG).
The Parliament also advocates positive actions in favor of parents, such as additional pension rights and tax relief for the creation of company crèches. It stresses the need to improve European legislation on paternity leave, and the rights of fathers in the education and custody of children (separation and divorce in particular). It also recommends that Member States take action against employers who discriminate, directly or indirectly, against female workers. desiring motherhood "(better consideration of sick leave and parental leave, for the calculation of pension rights")
Parliamentarians are concerned about the increase in infertility that exists in “about 15% of couples ". Member States must guarantee the right of these couples to access to infertility treatment and to medically assisted procreation. Adoption must be offered to couples as an alternative to infertility treatment. And member states should facilitate the adoption of child victims of abuse, orphans or placed in specialized institutions.
Finally, MEPs call for " a profound reform of the management of the careers of senior employees”. They suggest " reduce companies' use of early retirement as quickly as possible ". On the other hand, for older workers who do not wish to hold a full-time position because of the arduous nature of their job, the experiments of part-time, arranged work, teleworking and "job-sharing" can be explored. Common standards and rules should also be established for “ extend, on a voluntary basis, working life beyond the age of 65, with tax and social advantages for workers and companies ».
(Jean Aury)