With Iraq and Afghanistan, the UK "operations" budget explodes
The House of Commons could vote an extension of an additional £1,4 billion (€1,8 billion) for British armed forces operations abroad in 2007-2008. The essential going to
Iraq and Afghanistan. In all, for 2007-2008, the "operations" budget exceeds £3,3 billion (€4,45 billion), split equally between Iraq and Afghanistan (£1,65 billion each
- €2,18 billion), the Balkans (£31 million - €41 million), common expenditure (£46 million - €60 million).
A very significant increase in the budget compared to the previous year (£1,8 billion - €2,38 billion), despite the reduction in the level of forces, and which largely explains the low
UK commitment to Operation Eufor in Chad. MPs across the Channel have also asked their government for clarification on this inflation of costs.