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The Commission approves, exceptionally, the practice of European student quotas

(B2) On November 28, the European Commission suspended its infringement procedure against Belgium, which had imposed quotas on foreign students – mainly French – in certain higher education sectors (specialised educators, speech therapists, etc.). She gave the country five years to “provide additional data on their respective situation”. "The (first) data provided by Belgium seem to demonstrate that, in the absence of appropriate safeguard measures, there is a risk that the French Community will not be able to maintain sufficient levels of territorial coverage and quality in its health system. public » explains the Commission in its press release. This exceptional suspension results, in fact and above all, from an agreement negotiated at the highest level, between Heads of State and Government, during the last European Council in Lisbon, at the time of the agreement on the new European Treaty . Austria, which was in the same situation as Belgium, and obtained the same treatment, threatened to block the political agreement of the European Treaty if it did not obtain special treatment by the European executive of its law on the universities. Belgium then rushed into the breach and obtained the same treatment as Austria.
La “French Community” of Belgium (*) had, in fact, decided in June 2006 to introduce a quota of 70% of students having their residence in Belgium for nine disciplines invaded by students, especially French. In some disciplines, 90% of students are French. The country argued that French students quickly leave, once they graduate, to practice their profession in their country of origin, causing a shortage in certain social and health professions (see thepreliminary draft decree). Seized of several complaints from French students, the Commission began an investigation, then ended up sending, in January 2007, a notice formally to Belgium, considering that the restrictions imposed infringed the Community principle of non-discrimination according to nationality.
(*) Belgium, a federal State, has entrusted the competences of education to the three linguistic “Communities” (French, Flemish, German-speaking) which are endowed entities, each with a government and a Parliament. The “French Community” is the entity in charge of this policy for the French-speaking part of the country (Wallonia except German-speaking municipalities and Brussels).


Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
