British pensioners in France: much ado about nothing
(B2) We remember that a few days ago, a controversy broke out in the newspapers British first French Next. A brave English diplomat, Mr. Mochan (incidentally the father of one of the Commission's spokespersons), retired before his time (at 59!), and residing in France in the Pyrenees, confided to the newspapers the impasse where he was: the French authorities refused him the benefit of health insurance — He was in fact benefiting from the Universal health coverage (CMU) against a contribution to Urssaf —. But at the same time, he could not find private insurance to cover compulsory health insurance.
Absurd situation for the person concerned but all the same perfectly consistent with European law which, currently, does not cover early retirees. There is a hole in the law. At least for now! Because the press has probably not taken heed, too happy to pound at random: the new social security regulations (883 / 04) — of which we are still awaiting the implementing regulations for it to come into force — should now cover pre-retirees (summary and explanation: here), allowing them to be covered if they move to another country in the European Union. Still a little patience therefore Mr. Mochan. And above all, don't be sick until then...