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Political and defence Europe (by Nicolas Gros-Verheyde)

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Appeal to our Polish friends: This war is no longer yours

(opinion draft for France-Soir and Gazeta Wyborcza, February 2004). This "letter" was intended for Polish friends in particular. Because if there was a rallying to the Americans and to the commitment in Iraq, which particularly hurt many French people (including me) - the very ones who had fought for Solidarity to live and for freedom to be established in the East - it was that of Poland. We had not supported Solidarity, for that, I heard several times... So I could not sit with my pen on the table, letting things be said, letting things be done (at least out of respect for my children... half Polish).

“Polish friends, You came to Iraq to look for weapons of mass destruction. It is now clear and proven, by the very people who initially said it, who started this war, that these weapons do not exist or at least that they no longer exist.

“You came to wage a war of liberation. Do you see a happy, free population living a fulfilling democratic life? No. You have certainly taken away from the Iraqis their oppressor, their dictator. But you weren't able to give him anything in return. Because freedom doesn't matter, especially not in tank vans.

“Did you come to bring peace? You didn't have the mandate. No power in the world has the power to bring about peace. Peace does not belong to and is not reserved for a State. It must be the emanation of each and every one... Did you come to hunt down the criminals, destroy the rear bases of global terrorism? What about today ? Iraq is on fire and blood.

“This country which lived under an oppressive yoke is, in turn, experiencing a new terror; that of indiscriminate attacks. American, English, Italian soldiers, your soldiers are in turn victims of attacks or acts of war. Not only is terrorism raging in Iraq. But it continues to spread around the world….

"You know this well, Polish friends. When one intervenes under the influence of a mystification, for a reality that does not exist, this intervention is distorted. It only serves to assert a power, enslave an idea or subjugate a people. How can I believe that this "adventure" reminds you of nothing? The history of a certain divided, degraded Europe. Your history.

“The one of which you were alternately victims and accomplices. From the time when everything was simple in Europe: gray in the East, pink in the West. Where there was a myth that of communism. And, where, in the name of communism, the tanks of a certain Warsaw Pact went, in turn, to maintain the pax sovietica, under the pretext of safeguarding the threatened integrity of a country and hunting down agents of the imperialism from outside. This communism... You knew it well was fake. And it only served to preserve the interests of an imperial power, Russia.

“In your turn, you have become an occupying force, lending a hand to an imperium that has only one goal, to maintain its domination over all other states. In fact, Mr. Miller (*), it seems that if you have changed masters, you have not changed your method. You have deceived, despised your people. Worse ! Tomorrow perhaps families will be bereaved by a battle which is neither a valiant fight of knights but a waste. Isn't it time to stop this monumental error? It would not be a shame or a dishonor.

“Polish friends. On May 1, you will join this Europe for which you fought and which you dreamed of, which we desired together. Fight hard for your farmers, your businesses, your place within Europe, for European construction. This, yes ! It’s a fight that must be earned and respected. But sending a few soldiers to be killed in Iraq is more about the rape of a defenseless young girl than the defense of freedom.

“Join the side of reason!” Withdraw your troops. This symbolic gesture might seem outdated to you. In the eyes of the vast majority of European citizens, largely opposed to this war, it will grow on you... There is still time not to spoil our reunion.

(*) Prime Minister of Poland (ex-Communist)

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).