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Italian flip-flop. The Maros return to India

(credit: Italian Council of Ministers)

(BRUSSELS2) The developments in the file of the Italian marines (Maro) involved in the death of two fishermen off the Indian coast are becoming illegible. Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone thus returned to India on Friday (March 22). The two soldiers will however be judged by an ad hoc tribunal, created for the circumstance, as ordered by the High Court of New Delhi. The Italian government finally decided to return the two "accused" to India.

The Interministerial Committee for the Security of the Republic chaired by Prime Minister Mario Monti thus repudiated the decision of the Minister of Defense, Di Paola, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Terzi. The ministers were not on the same wavelength, recognized the latter.

Written assurance from the Indian authorities that the death penalty will not be applied

A return officially justified by “ the interest of marines » to respect the word given when returning to the country (justified by the need to vote for the legislative elections) and “the written assurance (from) the Indian authorities on the treatment that will be reserved for marines and the protection of their fundamental rights”.

On the basis of the decisioni assunte dal CISR, il Governo italiano ha richiesto e ottenuto slab autorità indiane l'assicurazione scritta riguardo al trattamento che sarà riservato ai fucilieri di Marina e alla tutela dei loro diritti fundamentali. Alla luce delle ampie assicurazioni ricevute, il Governo ha ritenuto l'opportunità, anche nell'interesse dei Fucilieri di Marina, di mantenere l'impegno preso in occasione del permesso per partecipare al voto, del ritorno in India entro il 22 marzo. I Fucilieri di Marina hanno aderito a tale valuation.

India's fury and the magnitude of the diplomatic crisis in this key Asian country apparently prompted this decision. The Minister of Foreign Affairs explained this on Friday in a daily interview. Republic. " The tension was mounting." Indians “also expressed concern for the safety of our ambassador. The story has had international repercussions, including the UN and the EU. » But the Minister believes that the action has achieved "the effect we expected ". " Without (this return), we could not negotiate with the Indian government, on the daily living conditions in the country and the guarantee that the maximum sentence (will not be applied) for the crime of which they are accused. Now we no longer have this problem. » And to add: our efforts don't stop there. With India, we have just opened a channel of communication, (for) diplomatic and legal discussions of different hypotheses, based on the principle of mutual respect between the two countries”.

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You can read the article from times of india : did the business influence this decision

Nicolas Gros Verheyde

Chief editor of the B2 site. Graduated in European law from the University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne and listener to the 65th session of the IHEDN (Institut des Hautes Etudes de la Défense Nationale. Journalist since 1989, founded B2 - Bruxelles2 in 2008. EU/NATO correspondent in Brussels for Sud-Ouest (previously West-France and France-Soir).
